Pemandangan gunung kawi di pagi hari dari desaku
@ichalpranata31 Its amazing photography sharing with us.
Thank’s verry much @OmarBD
Hi @ichalpranata31 ,
What a gorgeous view! What else can you tell us about your village? Is a walking distance to the beach? I’m sure it’s great having the sea and mountain so close. Is the mountain high to go hiking?
Remember to share more information, this way other Local Guides can engage in your posts.
Great view. It looks like a volcano @ichalpranata31
Hallo mas @ichalpranata31 wah pemandangan Gunung ya keren ,tapi sama seperti yang lain aku juga penasaran tentang cerita antara mas dan gunung Kawi ini. Apa mas tinggal di sini atau memang sedang berlibur . Ditunggu lho cerita lengkapnya .
@Nyainurjanah terimaksih atas pujiannya… Saya penduduk asli daerah sekitar gunung kawi ini Buk, maaf membuat Anda penasaran tapi mohon di tunggu nanti recap cerita akan saya bingkis sebaik mungkin biar bisa menjawab rasa penasaran Anda Buk,
Sekali lagi terimakasih atas dukungannya
- Thank’s @DanniS
Hello mr. @AdamGT
The view is beautiful but not a volcano.
This mountain was once a volcano, but now it is no longer an active mountain, aka a sleeping mountain.
for hundreds of years this mountain shows no signs of being active, so maybe it's no longer active ...
Good to hear that it’s no longer active even though it looks like a volcano @ichalpranata31
Nice view indeed @ichalpranata31 !! Thanks for sharing!