Orgulho em pertencer!

Muito feliz em compartilhar lugares e experiências por aqui, tantas descobertas … sempre me baseio nas avaliações do maps para visitar e conhecer novos lugares, só poderia retribuir


Well done :+1:t3:


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Hello @VAiLAvER

A heart congratulations to you and welcome to local guides connect forum. One key thing to more achievement on the maps is quality and consistency.

Meanwhile nice to E-meet you here. Just to give you a quick rundown of things here on the forum,I’ll present to you A Welcome-to-Connect-Card . It’s an animated post created to briefly orientate new members. It also contains links to other information that you will find useful while using connect. The animation is to make it easy for reading and better understanding.

Have you seen the Introduce-Yourself-March-2023 post ? That’s another post of interest on the forum. It’s for introducing our members here on connect. Feel free to participate by introducing yourself as well following the guidelines. In caw of further questions and issues,feel free to reach out and we will help you out if we can. Happy guiding and keep active.


Congratulations @VAiLAvER :tada: :confetti_ball: Keep contributing :clap:

Congratulations @VAiLAvER

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