Recently I find that after exiting reading a LG’s review under “see all reviews” of that LG’s Google Maps profile, system failed to respond. System screen shot looks like this:
This issue has been going on for several days and still persists after several app update. Can some one please report to the team for fix.
Hi @ivanos , I’m sorry about the issue. I would like to share my experience, the issue you reported is not happening on my iOS device. Before reporting this issue to the concerned team, I would like to tag @Peadar and @iyudhi and request them to share their experiences on the issue.
@ivanos I just tried it myself and it’s also not happening on my iPhone. Try uninstalling the Google Maps app, rebooting the phone, then reinstalling the app. See if that helps.
Also worthwhile if you can bring this up in the Google Maps Help community. The community is monitored by Product Experts and they may be able to offer more insights about this issue. Make sure to list your iPhone model and your Google Maps version if you decide to make a post there
Hi @iyudhi , Thanks for your quick response and guidance.
You can try cleaning the application cache through the settings menu, select public, select the storage menu, then select the desired application, or you can also delete the application cache using a third -party application such as battery doctor or clean master.
Thanks all for your suggestion
I’ve un-installed and then re-installed the app. The issue still persists. System still fails to respond after exiting one of my reviews under the “all reviews” page.
Is this iOS of the app? Seems not able to locate the path you mention. Is the “public” under the general setting of iOS?
@ivanos we’ll try what we can here, but can you also please raise the issue in the Google Maps Help forum like what I’ve advised above? The forum is monitored by Google Maps Product Experts so they may have more insight.
For now, can you at least let us know which iPhone model you’re using, which iOS version and the Google Maps version you’re using? Are you using the beta version of Google Maps? This is not a common issue, so the more info you can provide the better. Make sure to include all this information as well when posting this in the Google Maps Help community.
Not sure whether it’s really not “common” issue. It’s rare that iPhone/iOS users would encounter independent issues. Did you really try under the “see all reviews” of LG’s profile?
Model: iPhone 14
iOS version: 18.2
Google Maps version:
Have reported this issue via app last week. Will try another path (the Help forum) if the issue persists.
@ivanos In this case some of us in this post were able to confirm that we can’t replicate the issue. If it’s actually “common” then it will be affecting everyone, and as you can see from this post, a few others have said the issue isn’t happening to them.
And yes, I did try looking under “see all reviews” and follow the steps, but unable to replicate your issue.
Well then, while I suspect it’s communication issue but well. So be it.