New Reviews stats on mobile Maps app

Hello everyone,

Earlier today I noticed some interesting changes to the Reviews stats being made available on the mobile Maps app.

Additional to the number of reviews and ratings, I now see the number of helpful votes (18,830) and views (18,950,180). I hadn’t noticed this before!

Now seeing I’m a bit of a numbers nerd :joy: :rofl: , as some sort of measure of “quality” of my reviews or perhaps how popular the places that I have reviewed are, my numbers are telling me that on average each of my reviews has attracted 12,533 views and 12 votes!

Are you seeing these new stats? If so, how helpful have your reviews been and what views have your reviews attracted?

ps: Please don’t ask for another leaderboard :worried:


Thank you for the information @AdamGT

Do you mean the totals above the list of reviews, underlined green in my screen shot?


Well your values are in German I think @WilfriedB but if my translation is right yes they are the new stats that I’m talking about. In your case I see that you have 261 helpful votes and 481,490 views of your reviews. Now what I like to do with these sorts of stats is look at averages and in your case you have say 795 views per review and nearly 1 helpful vote per 2 reviews. Well done you Wilfried!


I see them too on my Android phone. I think these stats have been available on iOS for several years. Nice to also have them on Android now




Thanks for sharing this useful info @AdamGT .

On my android I am able to see these changes atleast for a year now as I used to capture such details and have the oldest screenshot with all these details dated June 15, 2023. I am not sure about before this date though.

Yes, such numbers are of great help. Although my numbers are not so great. My numbers are telling me that on an average each of my reviews has attracted 1083 views and 1.5 votes. However, this stat will change if we consider only the publicly posted reviews as the one depicted here under contributor’s profile is the total number of reviews posted by the LG.

Another Leaderboard could be considered in the pipeline for future update. :grinning:


Hi @MortenCopenhagen You are right about this, I can see the votes and views as you said for a long time.


Yes @AdamGT I see those stats too. I have 239 Reviews and 18 Ratings. There are 308,621 views and 84 helpful votes. That’s 1,291 views per Review and only 0.35 helpful votes per review (1 vote for every 3 reviews posted).

Another interesting point to note is that while I’ve reviewed 239 places, I’ve posted photos/videos of 303 places based on the numbers in my Expert Photographer badge. That’s 64 places I’ve casually photographed without having an experience that I could review.

Your choice if you want to make another Leaderboard or not. As I scrutinize the profiles of some of the LGs who ask to Follow me, I see that some are very active reviewers with no emphasis on photos at all.


Hi @Kumaarsantosh

Yes as you, @Gezendunyali and earlier @MortenCopenhagen mentioned, these stats may have been available on iOS for some time before however, this is the first time I have seen them on Android and I believe the first time that they have been mentioned, at least here on Connect.

You are right Santosh, as in the case of photo views, the review views are for public reviews but one can easily calculate the measure of “quality of public reviews” or “popularity of the public places reviewed” (the more popular they are the more views and more likes likely) that I briefly suggested.

There are a lot of numbers and in many different places on Maps and different on the Maps web app and mobile app and this is why the new Stats Summary provided by the Leaderboards System helps.


Hello @AdamGT , Thanks for sharing the update. Though you mentioned in your post not to ask, could you please consider adding a ‘helpful votes’ metric to the Top 100 Leaderboards.


Great @tony_b . Is this the first time you’ve seen these stats?

Yes the point you raise about photos of places that you have not had a personal experience with other than taking a photograph of it is a good one however, while I’m not at all sure what determines a view, of course in this case, we are specifically talking about how many times our reviews have been viewed and how many times they have been given a vote.

If not yet another leaderboard, if we were to include these stats then they might be helpful to have in the new Stats Summary provided by the Leaderboards System helps. Once again I say, helpful in the sense of given us some sort of measure of “quality of public reviews” or “popularity of the public places reviewed” (the more popular they are the more views and more likes likely). Food for thought :wink:

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LOL @PrasadVR . The concern I have with having a leaderboard on the “helpful votes” metric is that some gamming the system might have a lot of family and friends :joy: :rofl:

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Hello @AdamGT , I agree, that is a valid concern.

That’s not a page I usually look at, @AdamGT , as Reviews don’t mean much to me. I’m not sure if that information was always there or how recently it became available.


Thanks for explaining that @tony_b , which makes sense.

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Do you mean that the data were not available on your app earlier @AdamGT ? Like @Kumaarsantosh , me too time by time take some screenshot of a profile, and I went back to 2021, when what now is defined as “helpful votes” was just “likes”. I always had that information available


1.363 reseñas

709 valoraciones

5.421 personas consideran que es útil

626.440 vistas

Realmente no se si estos números son buenos o malos, solo se que son los mios :sweat_smile: @AdamGT , por cierto mi contador de visualizaciones de fotografias, sigue sin funcionar, eso me preocupa. ¿ @ErmesT tienes alguna respuesta o solución a mi problema? Muchas gracias, continuamos.


Photo view Is not “your problem”, @HUMBERTO_V , is a problem that everyone of us has.

So no, I don’t have a solution. I know Google is working on that, but I believe that everyone will notice, when the issue with be fixed.

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Thank you @ErmesT for that information. I’ve been watching most mobile data screens for sometime now and have never seen this information, well never on Android. Maybe as you say the “helpful votes” shown on my screenshot was once referred to as “likes”. Just out of interest, could you add one of the screenshots you mentioned you have. Thanks.

Like for so many here, numbers like these always interest me @HUMBERTO_V and I try to see how they might give further insight or help improve in what or how I am doing things as a Local Guide. In this case for example, as I’ve already mentioned, these review numbers might provide us with some sort of measure of “quality” of our reviews or perhaps how popular the places that we have reviewed are and this could give us some indication on how we can improve on the quality of our reviews and the impact that they have on our community.

So looking at your current numbers, I see that you have 596 views per review and 5 helpful votes per review. While as I previously mentioned in my reply to @PrasadVR , the helpful votes metric could be manipulated, these metrics could for the above mentioned reasons be helpful to us so I’m considering to at least add these to the Top 100 Leaderboard System’s new Profile Stats Summary. It’s all about better monitoring and improving the quality our contributions where we can.

Update: Have you seen the latest Maps data entry page?


Hello @AdamGT

Just now, I noticed the ‘Helpful votes’ data input box under the ‘Mapa Data Entry’ screen in the Top 100 Leaderboards. I believe this is an important metric for gauging the impact of our reviews. Thank you so much for your efforts adding this metric.

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