My short achievements

I have 6 leave of local guide I have very faster reach 6 email come for any rewards or any park google map pin but still contribution now



If you expect rewards for your efforts then Local Guides isn’t the best place for you. We are all volunteers. We do what we do to help Maps Users and the community. If you get a perk then it’s a bonus, not a right.

There is no pattern, and there’s no fairness in who gets perks. It is just a marketing gimmick.

My motivation is the joy of knowing that I’m helping a lot of people and businesses. Also, making new friends here on Connect can be considered a great peek. I find it very rewarding being a Local Guide.

Hang in there, keep up the good work and maybe one day it’ll be your turn.

You can learn more about perks by reading: Questions about Local Guides perks also Why be a local guide? is worth a read.

And finally, make sure Rewards is selected in your email settings found here.


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