Mixing Emojis and Using it in your Post!

Hy Local Guides,

This is a fun way that I found to mix two emojis or icons and use it in the connect post!

This post will be a part of “Celebrate World Emoji Day With Me”.

How to mix and use it in the post.

  • Go to any browser ( if you use chrome, you can copy or other browser, you have to share; which is same at the end though)
  • Type in Emoji kitchen or click on this link.
  • Click on “Get cooking” button.
  • There are two emoji/icon add buttons. You can add emojis/icons in that.
  • After mixing, you will get a new emoji/icon.
  • Copy it / download the image.
  • Go to Connect post and paste it.
  • Click on “show preview” and click the size of the image as 50%.
  • Now you can see “50%” in the text box. Make it in between 8% and 5% which is desirable size of a emoji/icon

Note : There are less emojis/icons in emoji kitchen but you click on explore button and see already made new emojis there.

Example : This is a example text

Note : you can see as a emoji/icon only on works desktop mode!

Fun mixing!


It’s a cool update and it was introduced by the team during our CM summit at Tokyo.
Have you noticed it in review reactions? @Rahul001


Yes it is indeed a cool feature. I was also using it in Old connect which is much difficult to insert.

May I suggest you include a few examples?


Hy Morten, example text has been put. Thanks for reminding me.
Note: mobile version doesn’t show as emoji/icon

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I see how there are tons of possibilities with this. I wonder if they are using AI here. I wish they include some more emojis.


Thanks. But I think way more than 50% of us are using mobiles to read Connect, so I’m afraid your tip will need some adjustments so it will show on mobiles also if possible.


True Morten. We can also resize it to 20% in size to view it in the mobile version like @Trail_blazer does

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Wow that’s really a fun and interesting thing. Thanks for sharing the information @Rahul001 :smiley:


That’s a fantastic update @Rahul001
I can’t decide which is best = the banner or the illustrative diagram.
I think both are :smile:

I had heard about the announcement of this feature last year and a little demo.
Then I forgot about it.
Nice to see you discovering it.
I am going to experiment with it later tonight and try to tickle a funny bone hopefully :smile:

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Seema like a cool feature