Loacal guides connect badges

Hi all,

I have using local guide connect website for short time

Could anyone help me how to collect badges?


Hi @NaderKamel

Welcome in Local Guides Connect. In the community we don’t “collect” badges. Badges are simply the acknowledgement of our activity:

We receive badges for:

  • Number of post: based on the number of thread you start
  • Likes Given / Received: You can give a like to a post or to a photo, if you like it, and of course you can receive likes for beautiful contents. 14 helpful tips for using Connect will help you to write engaging post in the community
  • Solutions: When our reply is helpful, it can be flagged as a “Solution” for the post: Tip: How to mark replies as solutions — “Accept as Solution” feature
  • Status badges: are showing the status of the Local Guide (e.g. Connect Moderator) or the participation to some official event, like Connect Live.

Be active in the community, and the number of your badges will increase for sure. To see the badges of a Local guide, you just need to click on the profile

Have a fun on Local Guides Connect


@NaderKamel You just start interacting here and you will get badges automatically as you progress. For example give kudos, post on connect and get kudos, give solutions to questions.


Hello @NaderKamel ,

Thank you @ErmesT for the help.

@NaderKamel it is true what had explained, you can review all of the information he provided and because of his complete explanation I would like to let you know that I will mark his answer as the solution.



I want to know the numbers of the Connect Badges like Local Guide Levels(1to 10 details)

Ramamoorthy Karuppaih.

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Hi @amamoorthy123,

Thanks for reaching out.

Please note that this was already discussed here in this thread - Loacal guides connect badges. It is very well explained there, please feel free to take a look.

Since what you posted is not an idea, I am going to merge your post to the above mentioned thread.

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