Introduction of Rajshahi City

Welcome to Bangladesh :bangladesh: .

The most cleaning and fresh air without any pollution city is Rajshahi city. In South Asia Everyone knows that Rajshahi city is the city of clean and peace. For this government name this city as “Mini Singapore”. Please come Rajshahi city one time.I believe that you can’t forget this place.




Hi @user_not_found ,

If you want to tell us more about Rajshani and you want to add some photos, you can follow these suggestions on How to tell a story through your photography. That would make your post more interesting and engaging for other members. :slightly_smiling_face:

Since this is your first post, I suggest you take a look at Your guide to Connect, where you will find useful information about the forum.


Hi @user_not_found ,

Thanks for sharing!

Since you are new here, I’d like to welcome you and propose this article that will help you get familiar with the forum. You can also introduce yourself in our monthly section and meet others from the community.

To make your publication even more interesting, you can also edit it from the three dots and upload a photo as well.


Hello @user_not_found

I am from Rajshahi also. Hope we can meet someday. Continue posting about Rajshahi more with photos and experiences here. Good Luck