Introduce Yourself — January 2025

Hi everyone! Welcome to Local Guides Connect. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to our community.

As “Introduce Yourself” threads can be lengthy, we start a new one each month and lock past threads. You can check previous threads, like December’s, to see who recently joined and where they’re from. We’ll merge any “I’m new” and “Hello world” posts we find elsewhere with this thread to keep things organized.

Do you want to be featured in our monthly Introduce Yourself posts? Share your introduction in the comments, following the five prompts below, and a horizontal photo of yourself (in landscape mode). The best introductions will be considered for future Introduce Yourself posts. Please note: Your response may be edited for clarity. By taking part in this challenge, you agree to allow us to share your answers and photo(s) publicly here on Connect.

This month, meet @Trachemysta! Trachemysta is a Local Guide Level 10, and here’s what he shared.

1. Name: David Arranz Solís, but you can call me Trachemysta :wink:

2. Location: Born in and currently living in Madrid, Spain :es: but have also lived in Davis, CA, USA :us: for 6 years

3. What I love about being a Local Guide: Providing people with useful information about places, making it easier to decide whether to visit or not, and helping make Google Maps more accurate. I am happy when people react to my photos or reviews because I feel I have done good to others. :grin:

4. My favorite thing to explore: Many things! But if I had to choose one, I’d stick with restaurants. :plate_with_cutlery: I love trying food from different parts of the world and taking pictures of all the dishes I taste. :yum:

5. Fun fact about me: I collect pictures of roads and signs whenever I travel to new places.

Nice to meet you, Trachemysta! Local Guides, don’t miss the chance to say hi to Trachemysta in the comments below and share your introduction, too.


Welcome, dear friend @Trachemysta! Happy New Year! I like your commitment ’ What I love about being a Local Guide:'.
Happy New Year and thank you @MoniDi for starting the thread Introduce Yourself.


Welcome to the Connect family @Trachemysta :bouquet:


Thanks for excellent announcement Googler @MoniDi
Congrats @Trachemysta & welcome :handshake:


Hi @Trachemysta I have explored your place, must say your country and your intro both are equally beautiful :slight_smile: Glad to know about you.


Ein herzliches Willkommen :bouquet: @Trachemysta


Hello David (@Trachemysta) we have chatted before but it’s nice to learn more about you in our monthly Introduce Yourself post. I’m like you and very happy when people react to my photos or reviews because I feel I have done good to others but I have to be honest and say, I’m not like you when it comes to collecting pictures of roads and signs whenever I travel to new places.


welcome to Connect forum @Trachemysta


Welcome @Trachemysta to the family. Really loved your passion for photography of new places.

Thank you @MoniDi for introducing yet another gem to the Local Guides Community.


Welcome to connect family :+1::revolving_hearts:


Welcome to the local guide community @Trachemysta


@Trachemysta happy for you :+1: wish you a joyful journey here.

@MoniDi Introduce Yourself is a very kind gesture and great initiative :clap:


1. Name: Ketan Chhaniyara :wave:t3:

2. Location: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India🌍

3. What I love about being a Local Guide: I’m passionate about sharing detailed restaurant reviews, focusing on food quality :stew:, facilities :office:, affordability :money_with_wings:, staff behavior :cook:, and ethical practices :white_check_mark:. I love helping others discover hidden gems :gem: and make informed choices about where to dine. Being a Local Guide has also connected me with like-minded explorers :handshake: who share a love for community service.

4. My favorite thing to explore: I enjoy discovering :plate_with_cutlery::national_park: food joints :green_salad:, cultural landmarks :mosque:, museums, science parks, and themed spaces :performing_arts:. Recently, I’ve been exploring cafes like Seva Café :tea:, which blend great food :curry:, sustainability :seedling:, and community empowerment :woman_farmer:.

5. Fun fact about me: I’m a Level 8 Local Guide :medal_military:, in the top 1% of contributors :trophy: for restaurant reviews on Google Maps :world_map:, with over 1.2 crore views :eyes: on my contributions and 57 lakh+ photo views :camera:. I’ve also unlocked badges like Master Reviewer :memo:, Master Photographer :camera_flash:, Master Fact Finder :mag:, Expert Director :film_projector:, and Expert Trailblazer!

6. You can check out my latest favorite spot here: :point_right: Seva Café Review :tea::round_pushpin:

Looking forward to connecting with more explorers :rocket: and sharing amazing discoveries :partying_face:!


We are glad to have a wonderful Local Guide like you in our community. @KetanChhaniyara

Thanks for introducing yourself with our global community.


Welcome @KetanChhaniyara to the community.


Nice to meet you on introduce yourself Board, best wishes to your explore journey.
@KetanChhaniyara :handshake:


Hello @Trachemysta! Lovely picture :slight_smile:


Ein herzliches Willkommen :bouquet: @KetanChhaniyara


Wow, I never expected to be highlighted :grin: thank you all very much for the warm welcome @MoniDi, @PrasadVR, @NareshDarji, @ShailendraOjha, @RJSheetal, @Annaelisa, @AdamGT, @KalyanPal, @Kumaarsantosh, @Gouri_S_Prakash, @MathanVibranarayan. Happy to be hear, contribute and connect with the greatest google mapers around the world :blush:. Wish you all a great 2025.all the best.

Also, welcome @KetanChhaniyara!!! Very nice introduction.


Welcome to the Loacl Guide Connect @Trachemysta