Thank you very much @Manishhh . It’s a pleasure to be here
Hi I am a 7 level local guide in SAUDI Arabia
Hi @Rafimirja,
Welcome to Connect!
It will be great if you can tell us more about yourself! To keep Connect organized and for you to meet other Local Guides, I will merge your post with this month’s Introduce Yourself series.
Visit our Community Guidelines page, to get to know our community!
Hi @VijendraPatidar,
Welcome to Connect!
It would be great if you can tell us more about yourself! To keep Connect organized and for you to meet other Local Guides, I will merge your post with this month’s Introduce Yourself series.
Visit our Community Guidelines page, to get to know our community!
Many Congratulations @RJSheetal and thanks a lot for inspiring us.
Felicitaciones @RJSheetal
Congratulations @RJSheetal
Saludos desde Zaragoza (España) y encantado de conocerte.
Me gusta mucho la foto que has compartido, tú atándote los cordones y sobre toso el fondo, es Espectacular!!!
Welcome, welcome @RJSheetal and happy to ‘meet’ you in Connect… hope to see you around
Hi, i am Hanat. I am from Indonesia and i also as blogger on and
halo Mbak @Hanatfutuh salam kenal saya Nunu dari Malang. Saya memindah tulisannya ke topik introduce yourself February 2025 agar bisa saling mengenal dengan sesama Local Guides lainnya. Selamat datang di Connect ya!
Terima kasih, Mba Nunung. Maaf ya, baru pertama join, jadi belum terlalu paham. Boleh mutualan?
Boleh banget kak @Hanatfutuh silakan. Untuk awal bisa baca tulisan ini: what-are-connect-tags-and-how-to-use-them/463421. Ditunggu tulisannya di Connect ya!
Terima kasih, Kak Nunung. Ternyata tadi pas cek thread, kakak yang pergi ke Amerika ya? Saya sempat balas threadsnya juga
Iya benar sekali Kak @Hanatfutuh
Tadi abis baca panduan di connect, tapi masih bingung, Kak
Untuk contoh tulisan berbahasa Indonesia bisa intip tulisan saya: Jelajah Kampung Arab, tulisan Mas Andi Brata Sajian kopi dari barista tuli atau tulisan Mbak Indah tentang Bromo (English) Chasing sunrise at mount Bromo.
Congratulations @RJSheetal !
Hi @RJSheetal , what a nice introduction! Thank you.
We’re really different because I can’t stand to keep my small changes in another currency (mostly coins) for so long. So far, can’t find the money changer in my area where I could exchange the coins
It means that next time when we meet, I need to donate some of my coins to your world bank
Congratulation @RJSheetal ! Its interesting how you collect money as a souvenir. Its can be museum in the future if you consistent collecting money from all the world
Last month I visited a money museum with @AndiBrata
May you can build your own money museum!