How to get followed on Google map

Hello guys, I’d love to know how to get follow option activated on Google Map so others can follow me. Couple of my friends told me they were unable to follow me on the map because it was not active to be used.

The option highlighted in red ink is the follow option I need to know how I can activate it, so others can follow me. At the moment, I was only able to follow few persons while others were not highlighted to be followed.



Regarding your question,

The " follow" Feature is available only some parts of the world,

Not in all world.

Still in my google maps profile, no follow options shows.

When someone or local guide, follow you, then it will shows numbers directly.

The follow feature is an experiment and still it will improving.


@PaulPavlinovich that gives you more details.

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@Godwin2x As of now only Select profiles are able to be followed.

Also “Google is putting its Local Guides front and center in an effort to make Google Maps more useful. Starting in a select number of cities, you’ll now be able to follow Local Guides on Google Maps in order to get better recommendations”


Hi, @Godwin2x

While everyone can now “follow” a local Guide, the possibility of being “Followed” is available for a limited number of Local Guides on selected areas.

This is a pilot project, announced by Google on November 2019 during Connect Live.

For more information about the pilot, please read: Discover even more places on Google Maps

EDIT: From July 30, everyone can be followed.

You can also read this post on our announcement section of Connect: Enable Following on your Maps profile to help others .

The feature is rolling out, so it may take time to be available for everyone


I think you have all the answers @Godwin2x thanks for the question. @ErmesT answer is the most complete so I will mark his as the solution but both other contributors are also correct.



Hi @ErmesT ,

Just saw this blog article

*"*Today we’re expanding this feature and beginning to roll it out globally. If a Google Maps user has shared photos, reviews or lists publicly, you can now follow them and get their recommendations, advice and updates delivered to your Updates tab in Google Maps."

This means that everybody can be followed now? I can’t find that option, on my profile or my friends profiles.

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Yes @asantos , now everyone can be followed.

You can also read this post on our announcement section of Connect: Enable Following on your Maps profile to help others .

The feature is rolling out, so it will be available for everyone soon