How to create "My Map"

I have recently came to know about My Map option through @PaulPavlinovich

Is it available for all users? If yes how to create and publish?

Thanks in advance

John Peter


Hi @JohnPeter

Creating a Googler Mymaps is very simple. In any case @DavidTito posted the first lesson, related to our Clean The World 2.0 program just two days ago.

The post is here: Clean The World How To My maps 2.0

Intermediate lesson will be online in a few days, but the basic lesson is enough for starting and for sharing a Mymaps.

Have a fun. Feel free to ask in the post if you need some help or clarification


Thanks dear @ErmesT for the quick reply. I will follow your instructions.


Yes it is good @JohnPeter . I use it often. I posted this in April 2017


@JohnPeter You can learn more about Google My Maps here.

Hope it helps.


@ErmesT Thank you, Yes immediate level is in progress as we speak, and yes you’re correct about making a Google My maps is very easily done even in the minimum requirements of every day meet up.

Altho I would like to see more feedback from the local Guides something as simple as this diagram I made below…

but doesn’t have to be in this context because feedback in comments is very valuable as well.

What do you think?

at a basic understanding


@TheEagleEye I am from New Zealand as well Mt Monganui “Kiora”


Sorry I took a week off from Connect @JohnPeter but I see plenty of others have jumped in - thanks to all of those contributors. Please note that the site is slated for sunset, however MyMaps are not going away, it has just been merged into Drive. Login to Drive and create your map from there.

Note there is a lot of cross-over between MyMaps and Maps Lists. I would not be surprised to see more of a single offering in the future (this is my own speculation).

Regards Paul


@PaulPavlinovich This change that you have noted here is very significant I wonder how many Local Guides are aware of this, I think highly should be presented in Home forum and one of Google Moderators present it,

Do you agree? unless I have missed it

Hi @DavidTito MyMaps isn’t a Local Guides platform, I would expect official announcements to either be on the Google Blog or on the Maps support forum.

Regards Paul


@PaulPavlinovich pitty, I have spent some time in Google forum, it would interesting to know the percent of LocalGuides the would be able to confirm what your saying myself I started using My maps at level 3

I started with MyMaps in 2015 @DavidTito - I have no idea what level I might have been then!