Google’s My Activity can make services more useful for you, like helping you rediscover the things you’ve searched for, read, and watched. You can see and manage your activity by using the controls on your My Activity page.
Starting today, we’re rolling out a feature so you can use My Activity to see that you’ve answered questions about a place on Google Maps. While you won’t be able to see your answer, you can better manage your privacy settings by deleting your answers activity.
You must enable Web & App activity in My Activity to answer questions about places on Google Maps. When you visit My Activity**,** you’ll be able to see answers you shared and control what is saved. You can delete all activity for the day, or enable 3, 18, or 36 month deletions.
If you delete answers to questions during any time frame, your answer will be deleted from Google Maps, and as a result, your Local Guides points will be removed for those contributions.
To delete your answers to questions on Google Maps
- Visit My Activity
- Find the answer session you want to delete
- Click More
- Click Delete
For more information on how to delete your activity, check out this Help Center article. Please note: the deletion and loss of points may not be instant.
Are any of my other contributions to Google Maps impacted?
Are the answers I contributed no longer used anywhere else in Google Maps?
Any responses may still be used to help show if places are wheelchair-accessible, or other attributes like if a place is good for groups, but there will be no record that the answer came from you.
If I delete my answers, will I be prompted to answer the same questions I already answered?
Yes. There will be no record that the answer came from you if you delete your history.
What if I have my Timeline history off already?
Your Timeline history is different from Web & App activity. If you have already paused Web & App activity, you are not asked to answer questions on Google Maps.
If you clear your entire Web & App activity, you will lose all answers. None of these interact with Timeline history. If it’s off, you won’t get prompted as often for questions, but if you review or save a place, you may be asked questions and can answer them, later managing that activity in My Activity.
If I delete my activity by accident, is there any way to bring it back?
How can I manage my settings?
You can manage your settings by visiting My Activity.