Fix The Incorrectly Drawn Roads & Know About Incorrect Roads

Caption : A Cover photo for this post “Fix The Incorrectly Drawn Roads.” Edited in canva.

Hello everyone,

We all are the Local Guides who helps people in the maps with different types, I meant few local guides like to add roads / fix incorrectly drawn roads, few like to add places to maps / remove unnecessary places from the maps, and few more like to write good reviews & taking good quality photos. All Local Guides likes different different types but the one thing is they are contributing to the maps then it means they already helping people on maps by their contributions.

What I Want To Explain In This Post Is :

In the maps there are many roads “Drawn Incorrectly.” And it’s hard to fix that roads for mobile users because in the computer / laptop get the option for correcting the road after clicking on “Drawn incorrectly” but in the mobile there’s only option just “Drawn incorrectly” and after clicking on this we can’t get option to fix the road.

2 Questions :

1. Only local guides who have computer they can only fix the incorrectly drawn roads?
2. Local Guides who using mobile they can’t fix the incorrectly roads?

My Answers :

1. No.
2. Surely we can fix.

The Local Guide is computer user / laptop and Mobile user, it is doesn’t matter. Any user can fix the drawn incorrectly roads.

Question : In Mobile after clicking on “Drawn incorrectly” we can’t get any more option to fix the road we only have option to submit directly?

Answer : Yes, that’s the magic going here. :laughing: I mean there is no option to fix the road we have to submit it directly and the Google maps will surely review the edit and approve it. By this way we can save more time and submit more incorrectly roads.

How To Get Started :

  • First explore the maps and find incorrectly drawn roads.
  • After finding that go to “Contribute (+)” and Click on “Update Road.
  • Select the option “Drawn Incorrectly” & Select the road which is drawn incorrectly.
  • After that just click on the “Next” & “Send.
  • For remembering that road just save that area to the private lists.
  • If that road is not approved please wait few days and check again. If not approved then submit again.

(Note : Don’t Submit again and again in Same day or after in one day. Wait and see 5-7 days if not approved submit again.)

How I am Surely Saying It Will Be Get Approved :

Before I too thought same as Computer / laptop user’s only fix this roads. On a day i saw a road and there is no road exist & drawn Incorrectly. I thought first close the road completely and draw newly. I submitted in both “Drawn incorrectly” & “Road doesn’t exist.” I checked after few days it’s fixed. What I planned, after completely closed I will draw newly but it’s was automatically fixed the road & another side totally closed. At that time I understand this is the magic of “Drawn incorrectly.”

From that time I started submitting incorrect roads and wait few days to weeks for approval, if not approved, I submit it again if approved remove the saved pin from there. :grin:

How The Google Maps Fix This :

  • Google maps take time for review and approve. Some we can get quick approvals like in some hours and few take time from days to weeks.
  • Google maps review A-Z road type like
    1. Single road / double road.
    2. Local Road.
    3. Highway.
    4. Parking lot.
    5. Biking / walking trail.

The few Roads I submitted that are gotten approved that are single & local roads. When I checked that automatically single road is turned into double road. And also few of them turned Local roads into Biking / walking trail. At that time I understand how the Google Maps reviewing the “Drawn Incorrectly” roads.

What Will Be Happened By Drawn Incorrect Road :

I can only say this if the road is Drawn incorrectly there is a main problem the navigation / directions shown incorrect. How?

How means if the straight road is drawn incorrectly (too much side from the correct road) it will no problem because it’s the continuous way. But when turning are needed it will be become a problem…

See A Example I Will Explain :

Just imagine I am not a Local Guide and I am going to a place / area and I don’t know much about the road & maps I just follow the directions blindly what Google maps say’s. (I don’t know about the maps i don’t have much knowledge for checking street view / satellite picture for confirmation) Soo I set a navigation and started. I am traveling in the road which is drawn incorrectly on maps. I want to take next turn in 300 Meters but Google maps will say take next turn in 500 meters. Soo I blindly trust the Google maps and go upto 500 meters but there is no road for turning but in the maps it’s showing like there is a turn.

All Are Blaming Google Maps When Something Happened. Soo Let’s Start Together Fixing The Incorrect Roads And Bring Back Nice Name To The Google Maps & Local Guides. :handshake:

You can see here before & after screenshots of my approvals.


I have fixed more incorrectly drawn roads but Present I have only this screenshots before & after.

Don’t Late If You Found Incorrect Road Just Submit It And Continue Submitting More Roads.

Thank You Everyone, Keep Contributing, Happy Guiding. :pray:t2::handshake:


Well done @Rakshith_LG sir ji. It’s very helpful to me and others also who is new here. Thank you for sharing.

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I’m tagging few roaders here to see this post & for the support. :grin:
@SholaIB @ErmesT @PrasadVR @MarcoDavoli

Thank you :handshake:

This is indeed a great post about fixing road shapes on Mobile @Rakshith_LG
In the last year the role of the AI in verifying our roads edit has become more and more important, and it is visible in several situations:

  • The shape of our roundabouts is corrected by the AI before the approval
  • The same happens for the shape of the road we draws

I hypothesized a while back that what we are actually doing when we add roads to Maps is teaching the AI ​​to do it itself. This post where roads that are drawn incorrectly are analyzed and corrected in a short time is in my opinion a confirmation of this.
I had estimated that it would take five years from the launch of the road editor for this to happen, and these signs make me think I was not wrong


@Rakshith_LG , Good job :+1:. I appreciate your efforts in taking the time and sharing your experience in detail. This post is very helpful indeed. Thank you for tagging me.


ciao @Rakshith_LG ,
you inspired my to start doing “road fixing”.
In the beginning I was fixing all the roads that I was encountering but, later, after so many “rejection” I gave up.
So I’ll soon start it again.

Thanks for your post.



Excellent post on a very informative feature @Rakshith_LG

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Great!! :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:

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Great job @Rakshith_LG . I learnt alot

Thanks for your post, @Rakshith_LG. I’ll try to do some fixing wherever possible.