Coffee and Walnut Pavlova with Maple Syrup

On a long drive back to Brandon, we stopped for lunch at Scarborough and I had an amazing dessert which I would like to tell everyone about.

Coffee and Walnut Pavlova with Maple Syrup and Vanilla Ice Cream, the name of this dessert itself is so heavenly. I love any cake or dessert with coffee and this one by far tops the list now.

It was very sweet for sure but so satisfying :yum:. I would definitely recommend to all coffee and sweet lovers.

We also ordered Tiramisu which was served with Vanilla Ice Cream. I have had Tiramisu a lot of times so was not so blown off by this, but the Pavlova it did make me dance💃 with joy.


@Sheralyn looks like you like lots of sugar!!!

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Hi @Sheralyn ,

Thank you for sharing these sweets with us.

I am a big fan of both of these desserts. I like eating them, but also really enjoy preparing them :slight_smile:

Here is a photo of my homemade Pavlova.

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Oh @Sheralyn - your photos make my mouth water! Yum. What an interesting combination of flavours in this pavlova. I would never have thought of putting walnuts, coffee and maple syrup together. I make a Pavlova with rosewater, which is about as adventurous as I get! Just wondering, did you also have a nice strong coffee or tea with these delicious desserts? For me, there is no better accompaniment.

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Hi @Amaiplaza

Yes it was very sweet but I had it with unsweetened coffee to wash it down. So it was okay :wink:

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Wow, homemade is even better. I wish I could make it. It was just so good. It was very sweet for sure, strawberries, pomegranate and mint would definitely cut the sweetness and make it more delicious.

Thanks for sharing.

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Hi @JustineE

Rosewater, that’s a nice Pavlova. I would definitely like to try that one too.

I did have it with unsweetened coffee to just balance the sweetness, as half way through the dessert I was really struggling to finish. The portion was really generous :blush:

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OMG…so yummy!!!


Hi @CaroGuiniazu

Yes yummy indeed. My mouth waters everytime I see the picture and think about its taste :drooling_face:

What beautiful photos @JustineE !!

When I saw the picture of the dessert made me remember while we went with my family to collect wild berries and then we made a delicious strawberry cake hehe I leave the publication in case you are interested in reading it: Harvesting wild strawberries in Tierra del Fuego


I often do that too @Sheralyn if I am eating something very sweet. Or I’ll have unsweetened tea just to balance the taste.

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