[BUG - Maps] Em 2024 a contagem de visualizações das novas postagens se mantém como zeradas!

Desde fevereiro desse ano, nenhuma de minhas fotos de locais estão sendo contabilizadas, estive em viagem durante um certo período e nenhuma das fotos foi acessada.

As fotos anteriores continuam tendo novas visualizações, porém as novas simplesmente pararam de ser visualizadas, isso me fez parar de publicar fotos de locais e simplesmente não sei se a conta está bugada, ou é um problema geral que todos estão enfrentando.

Alguém poderia me ajudar com isso ?


Hello @DiegoRibeiro_BR ,

Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

Checking your Google Maps profile, I can see seven of your latest photos from April 2024. Looking at your previous photos, they’re all compliant, so I’m assuming that the hidden ones are too. In my opinion, you’re most likely experiencing a bug or Google’s AI incorrectly hiding your photos.

Just for good measure, confirm the hidden photos are following these guidelines. If they are compliant, fill out this form so Google can investigate and unhide your photos.




Hi Ethan, the latest photos on my Google maps, I tried to post today to confirm if the bug persisted. Previously I deleted all the photos that were reset, around 40 photos from a trip where I was in China. And I don’t know if because I went there, the algorithm is still registering my account with the location of China, and if so, it may not be showing my photos because Google can’t link anything there. In short, I removed the images that were at zero thinking it would solve the bug, but it didn’t.

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Hello @DiegoRibeiro_BR ,

I don’t think it’ll register you in China if your Google Maps location is on. If you believe it’s a bug, you can submit Google Maps feedback.

In my opinion, it’s probably Google’s AI incorrectly hiding your photos. You can fill out this form to prompt Google to investigate.


Thank you Ethan for providing this support. I filled out the form and will wait!


@DiegoRibeiro_BR since February 7, we all see the issue that that counts for the photo views are changing extremely slowly.

There is a long thread on this. Please see @MortenCopenhagen 's comment for updates here: https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/Views-of-indivual-Photos-reduced-drastically-or-show-zero-for/m-p/3709268/highlight/true#M1423670