Make your guests happy with a simple gesture: a bottle of water offered in the room!
Imagine the arrival of your guests at the hotel: a warm welcome, regular and efficient check-in, a comfortable room. And then in the room they would like to cool off with the fresh water offered by the hotel.
Very often I travel and arrive at the hotel thirsty and I realize that there are no courtesy water bottles in the room, too often, water bottles in minibars are too expensive. Since 3/4 of the population keeps water on their nightstand for the night the small attention to offer a bottle of water to make the customer happy and help make their stay more pleasant.
A very simple but high-impact product, the personalized water bottles will give your guests the perception of extreme attention to detail.
You are spot-on regarding the complimentary bottles @MagoDiAz and completely in resonance with you.
This has been more or less of my experience as well during recent travel.
Welcome back to Connect
Ciao @MagoDiAz , even if I agree with the text of the post, as this is addressed to the businesses, I think should be added in your review.
However, I also want to ask if the photo has been taken by you?
If so, congratulations, your photo is everywhere in Internet.
If not, do you own the right or, do you have the permission from the author, for sharing it?
If the answer to my last question is NO, please edit your post to remove the picture.
In Local Guides Connect we care about authorâs right, included yours. For more information please read: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?
In your previos post you were asking about how to report people that is posting fake photos so, please, donât do the same
Thank you @TusharSuradkar I often arrive at a hotel late in the evening and when I find water in the room upon arrival I like it very much, it seems to me a form of courtesy and attention to the customer, who among other things has a very low cost for the hotel, I would say ridiculous.
Thank you for your comments @ErmesT and for your attention, as you have surely noticed in my profile I have published over 11,000 photos of which I am the author on maps and I am very pleased that particular importance is given to the issue of copyright.
Although I made sure I can publish the photo in the post, the reason for not having used one of my photos is because there is no tool that allows you to directly upload photos from Google Photos
The goal of my post is not just directed at hotel managers but rather it could be useful information for everyone to point out in reviews if the hotel provides guests with a bottle of water.
Personally I visit many hotels and from now on I will put the presence of the courtesy bottle in my reviews.
Thanks for your suggestion, with love
Mago di Az
Thanks for replacing the photo with one of yours, @MagoDiAz
10963 of photos is a quite good number, however I cannot comment about your profile, because you decided to keep it private.
Uploading a photo in Connect directly from Google Photo is possible in mobile. On desktop, a photo from Google Photos can be embedded.
For more details about uploading photos in Connect, you can read: Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first and Tips for Uploading Images to Connect to Stay Within Limit
Thank you @ErmesT just open it to pubblic.
You are welcome to visit.
Grazie, @MagoDiAz , fai delle gran belle foto.
Lâunico consiglio che ti do, in quanto è vietato dalle regole, è di non utilizzare le stesse immagini piĂš di una volta.
A me il giardino delle BiodiversitĂ piace da matti, lâho anche inserito nei luoghi accessibili (vedi sotto nei link della firma).
Sono però perplesso del fatto che abbia un POI separato, non me nâero mai accorto.
Tu come ti ci sei trovato?
Ciao @ErmesT Grazie.
A proposito del giardino delle BiodiversitĂ mi sono piaciute in modo particolare le serre, anche se avrei voluto trovare dei supporti multimediali migliori per garantire un esperienza piu coinvol,gente magari supportata dall app (
Ritengo molto bella lâidea del percorso per non vedenti con le piante posizionate i modo da essere piu facilmente âvalutateâ (tatto e odori e cartlello braille).
sarebbe molto bello poter guardare lâorto dallâalto per avere una visione piu di insieme di questa meraviglia che dal 1997 è Patrimonio dellâumanitĂ dellâUNESCO
Una delle piante che mi hanno piu affascinato è lo spendido esemplare di pianta di cacao Theobroma cacao, fiore allâocchiello di molti Orti Botanici di regioni a clima temperato o continentale che ne custodiscono gelosamente pochi esemplari, rigorosamente coltivati in serra viste le origini tropicali della specie.
In Italia ho notizia dell esistenza dei esemplari di questa pianta a Firenze presso lâIstituto Agronomico dâOltremare.
Sono rimasto colpito dai fiori che spuntano direttamente sul tronco e sui rami (la specie è cauliflora), piccoli fiori solitari o in piccoli grappoli fragranti, color crema con i calici rosatiâŚ