Birkat Tzfira - and changing names on the map

Birkat Tzfira is the right name. I’ll explain why this matters later in the post.

It’s a place in the Judean desert located in the Tzeelim stream on a cliff.

It’s a natural pool that keeps water all year round and is good for swimming for a few months a year.
There are places to jump in to and there is even a “Natural slide” that you can wet with some water and use to get in the water.

I know the place very good and visit there many time a year.

The name on the map is wrong andI Ichanged the name to the right one many times but somehow google doesn’t accept it…

If you happen to visit south Israel don’t miss this magnificent place!

I’ll be happy to show you around if you get to the area so don’t hesitate to contact me :wink:

And of course if you know how to help with the name changing I will be happy to learn or hear some advice!
The real name should be in English: Birkat Tzfira
The name in Hebrew should be: בירכת צפירה
maybe if other local guides report it too it will matter?

Enjoy some photos of the place taken by me :


This certainly looks like quite the experience @JoniG it looks like quite a few people go there based on the trail and the apparatus to get people down to the pool.


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Thanks @PaulPavlinovich

You are right :wink:

People love that place but since it is hard to get there it is almost never crowded :grin:

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What a beautiful place, @JoniG . I love it, and I am surprised that @uavalentine never told me of this beauty :slightly_smiling_face: . I’m joking of course, in any case the place (that was also mentioned in your first post, in 2017) is extremely beautiful.

Can you please check and correct the Google Maps link in your post? Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me.

I want to add a note, because I see that you like to post photos, and I would not like you to discover too late the limits we have in Connect. Every user have a limit of 1000 photos only. We have options to share our photo in other ways (embedding photos, sharing album, creating collage, etc.) however this is something that is better to know from the first beginning (you used 9% of your quota in 8 days).

You can find more information about this subject in the following post:


Wow @ErmesT !
Thank you very much for the information about the image limits.
I hope the limit will rise before I get there :joy:
Will I be able to delete old photos when I run out of image space?

About the post:
Yes I did mention it back in 2017 and I really L O V E this place :slightly_smiling_face:
I changed the link that was somehow broken and fixed it.

Will be happy to receive some help with the name changing as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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Amazing pics really impressed and very nice place thanks for sharing @JoniG

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The link I shared with you in my previous reply are explaining also how to delete images from a post, @JoniG

Regarding the name, it is weird, I agree, and searching in Google, with the “right name” we can found much more results than with the wrong one (that is addressing mostly to Expedia" and other travel agencies.

Maybe @DeniGu can give you an help, even if the appropriate way (but already tried by you without any result) should be edit the name in Google maps.


Hi @JoniG ,

Thank you for reporting this here and giving more details. I’ve escalated it to the appropriate team.

Also, cool photos! The pool itself and the hike to it look like the perfect adventure activity for a day.

By the way, I’ll change the topic of your post to How-tos, as that’s the place where Local Guides report issues, ask questions, and more. You can learn more about Connect topics here.

Thank you for the tag, @ErmesT !


Thanks @DeniGu

It is definitely an exciting experience to get there :grin:

I was wondering before posting it if it is more of a travel, photography or how to and eventually decided to put it in travel but tagging the other categories as well.

I hope that someone can help with the name change but after trying many times I am kinda sceptic about it :wink:

Thanks a lot for your help :grin:


Great that you added the additional tags, @JoniG ! For posts like yours that aim to report something, the How-tos section is best; that’s why I changed the whole topic of your post but kept the tags. And if you wish, you can write a Travel post with more details about your experience at that place, tips, suggestions, and more! Just an idea. :smile:


No problem :wink:
Thanks a lot @DeniGu

What an amazing spot, @JoniG ! Thank you, @ErmesT , for having mentioned me in this stunning post! Israel is a small country, but on every corner one can find a surprising nature or historical spot! This is one of the great examples! Another fascinating example is shown in @Niv1234 's recent post with fabulous pictures of Judaean Desert!!!

Lets hope Israel and all the world will be opened soon again to let us enjoy ALLLLL these stunning landscapes again!

With my warmest regards,



Thanks @uavalentine :grinning:
Lets arrange an Israeli Meet-up again :wink:

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