Bengali New Year (Pahela Baishakh) Celebration in Kuala Lumpur

Pahela Baishakh: The celebration of Pohela Boishakh has become an integral part of Bangalis since it began over six centuries ago. Pahela Baishakh meaning first of Baishakh. Baishakh is the first month of Bangali calendar. The festival date is set according to the solar Bengali calendar as the first day of its first month Baishakh. In Bangali we called পহেলা বৈশাখ or বাংলা নববর্ষ.

It is celebrated on 14 April as a national holiday in Bangladesh. As an expat in Malayisa I always miss my culture, country festivals. Yesterday Bangladeshi Community ( Bangladesh Malaysia Forum Association) organised a daylong event for celebrate in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

It’s not a festival celebration but also a big get together for us. More than 2M Bangladeshi living in Malaysia. Saturday is the Weekly holidays in Malaysia. Because of that I have been able to join thiscelebration.

The whole day event focused on projecting Bangladeshi Cultural program with traditional songs, Fashion Show, group music, Local Band performance and cultural dance performances, Food festival, Art Competition and Baishakhi Mela. There were few booths and among them few were selling Bangladeshi Foods.

To know more about Bangladeshi Pitha, you may read my this post: Kuala Lumpur Pitha Fair

The program hall was amazingly decorated with many of the Bangladeshi traditional elements. The crowded audience was so startled by the beautiful performances. I enjoyed this programme. This is one of the best Bangladeshi get together.

Full album:

Stay with Bangladesh wherever you are.


You had a great time, Sorry I missed this program @PavelSarwar

Thanks for sharing.

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@Saidulkarim Yesterday i missed you lot. If you also there, we can make more fun.

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Nice celebration. Awesome bro :heart_eyes:

Thanks for sharing. The food look so delicious :yum:

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@AlsmieA Thanks bro.

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Pahela Baishakh,Nice program in Kuala Lumpur.


Really tremendous arrangement. Good to see Bangla New Year Celebration in Malaysia @PavelSarwar


@PavelSarwar Completly feeling like Bangladesh. Nice photographs bro.Another segment of Live like a Local!


@SumaiyaZafrin Thanks. After Ramadan one more big event coming.

@ShafiulB Stay like a Bangladeshi anywhere you go.

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Nice and interesting pics, enjoyed very well, thank you.

Best wishes.