Are you looking for the best natural waterfalls in Tanzania to explore, enjoying, Swimming forest blessing water :sweat_drops:

Then Materuni waterfalls will be the first in your recommendation list where you can experiences such amazing cultural tour and water fall trekking both very affordably… It is miracle to visit Materuni waterfall and experience local Arabica coffee made in local ways

And it will be the only opportunity to you to get to know everything about local coffee :coffee: from plantation to final smoth coffee drink to taste, you will enjoy variety natural fruits, vegetables and local food and banana alcoholic drink in Moshi Tanzania…

Welcome Tanzania…

I hope you don’t miss to ask me about more information



@Agustinjmwamb3 Materuni waterfalls are really beautyful.And ,as you said ,to have that Tanzania’s grown and home made coffee in that place can be unforgettable.


Hello, Mr Jose Felix… Honestly the answer is YES… :blush: . This waterfall is unforgettable it has real beauty miracle to explore especially to meet oneself in such beautiful natural environment, local coffee plantation, bananas, and many more :star_struck:… I’m total agree Materuni is the best place to find long waterfall drop from Highest mountain in Africa…don’t Guess what mountain :wink: …it is Kilimanjaro

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Yes. Mr Jose

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Es sieht wunderschön aus

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Ja genau.! Es ist so erstaunlich und schön, dort zu sehen und zu besuchen… Haben Sie schon einmal dort gewesen! Oder Möchten Sie dort einen Besuch abstatten?

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Hi @Agustinjmwamb3 … thank you for sharing the beauty of Materuni Waterfalls in Tanzania. People will definitely love to visit this place. I notice that this is your first post in Connect so once again, thank you for sharing your wonderful journey with us and we always welcome LGs with their unique stories and experience here.

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Thank you :handshake: