Batu Local Guides : Clean Up Flood Trash And Support Disaster Victims

Sunday morning, December 5, 2021, after a long time, we joined the Sabers Pungli movement again at the location of the former flash flood in Beru Hamlet, Bumiaji Village, Batu City. Together with volunteers and local villagers, this morning, the activity was scheduled to clean the river border from flooded materials, in the form of garbage and wood from fallen trees/illegal felling. The pile of garbage is dredged and separated. The wood was burned at several points. Plastic waste is collected. All of them work hand in hand in the cloudy weather conditions are quite friendly. After quite a lot of garbage was collected and the wood burned a lot, we were invited to eat together at one of the residents’ houses. Traditional menus are provided, cooked by the women in Beru Hamlet, in the form of several kinds of vegetables and side dishes. The taste is definitely without a doubt, delicious, eaten together by all the participants in the morning activity. After eating together, activities immediately resumed. But due to time constraints, my wife and I had to say goodbye, because we had to undergo the next activity.

After saying goodbye, we headed to the house of one of the Batu Local Guides members, which is about 2 kilometers from where we were doing our activities. A house as well as a shop, namely Warung Bu Susy, which is located in front of Taman Kenanga. Ms. Susy, Alle and Ita were already there, while the other members were still on their way. Here, we plan to convey the donations that have been collected from donors, to help ease the burden on the victims of flash floods in this area. While waiting for the other members, Alle and I hunted for photos at Taman Kenangan. This park is quite large, and seems to be the land of the Bulukerto village treasury which is used as a recreation park for local residents. After we were satisfied with our photo hunting and the other members arrived, we immediately headed to the house of Mrs. Anggra, an employee of the Bumiaji District office who would guide us to the houses of the disaster victims. Without waiting too long, we were guided by Mrs. Anggra immediately to the first house where we would convey the donation. The condition is quite apprehensive, it is located right on the edge of the river where the flood marks are still clearly visible. In the second point, no less sad. His house is no longer there because it was swept away by the flood. At the third point, we were met with survivors who were forced to lose their husbands and children who could not save themselves. We can clearly see the deep sadness on the face. Needless to say, tears fell. Hopefully these victims can be patient and steadfast in the face of this really heavy ordeal.

We also continued to several residents’ houses until all donations were completely delivered. Finally, we returned to Mrs. Anggra’s house to rest, while enjoying snacks and drinks. Not long after, a meatball seller came on a motorbike. It turned out that Mrs. Anggra had deliberately called the meatball seller to entertain us all. Wow, thank God. We immediately ordered meatballs according to each other’s preferences and enjoyed them on the terrace while telling stories to each other. After enjoying the meatballs, we said our goodbyes and did not forget to thank them for being treated in such a way.

Next, we moved to one of the members’ stall which had just opened. Warung Ning Ita is the name, which is about 8 kilometers away. Arriving at the location, we were greeted by Mashita, the shop owner who is also a member of us. Even though her local guide account is still suspended, she still actively participates in meet-ups with other Batu Local Guides members. At this shop, we ordered hot coffee for the first time, because it seemed like this was what we needed after a long day of activities. A few moments later, Alle and Ita joined us. While enjoying coffee, we were engrossed in telling stories and asking how the idea of ​​establishing this shop came from. Not to forget, ask about the variety of menus offered. Hearing the rawon menu, I immediately ordered the menu, complete with a side dish of fried tripe that looked tempting. Looks like we’ve been eating all day. Ahhh, let it be, the important thing is to be healthy hehehe. It’s not every day that you can hunt for delicious culinary delights like this. After being satisfied enjoying the rawon menu and other menus, we finally had to end our day’s activities. Although a little tired, but it paid off with happiness to be able to meet other members and do activities together


@br14n Let me be first person to congratulate the Local Guides community there for this incredible effort.


Congratulations for all good work, may all of you be blessed @br14n


@br14n KUDOS to you and all banyuwangi local guides team. I wish I could be there join with all of you to support the victims. Hopefully the situation getting better soon. Take care there! And send my regards to all.


Hello, my dear friend, @br14n

Amazing efforts & dedication -

Hearty congratulations on this great gesture for mankind.

If we all try and do these triumphs, this world will be heaven.

Best wishes for all successes


Batu local guide selalu luar biasa dalam menjalankan misi dan program kegiatannya. Selalu terjun langsung bergotong royong dan membantu semua yang membutuhkan. Bravo BLG( Batu Local Guide)




Barakallahu… :pray:


what an amazing sunday, we have done four activities, each of which is extraordinary, thank you @br14n @for inviting us to have interesting and meaningful activities.

This is what I want to for along time, Finnaly we could participate at “sabers pungli”

Eating “rawon” At “warung ning ita”

give aid to victims


Mantap, semakin berkah ke depannya.


Senang bisa berbagi dengan sesama…tanpa syarat


Alhamdulillahh, semoga selalu dilancarkan perbuatan2 baik dan dimudahkan untuk selalu berbagi. :muscle: :heart_eyes: :purple_heart:


Hello @StephenAbraham @Sophia_Cambodia @doc_dells @TravellerG

As you can see, the flash flood was so imprinted. Whereas previously it was a dry river. But when humans are greedy and begin to clear the forest above, nature is angry. Nature takes the river back.


“…nature is angry. Nature takes the river back…”

You are absolutely right…

We really don’t know what will happen in the future.

Greetings, dear friend @br14n


Halo mas @Yus-Gaguk mbak @Susydiah Ma @Annisa1208 mbak @Yuni83A buk @JuwarniPawuh mbak @SyamsieNoor terima kasih atas dukungan yang luar biasa, apapun bentuknya. Saya sungguh bersyukur kepada Tuhan yang maha pengasih, bisa memiliki kalian semua di komunitas Batu Local Guides. Kita tidak hanya sekedar komunitas kontributor Google Maps, tapi lebih dari itu, kita menjadi anggota komunitas yang selalu siaga dan berjuang tanpa pamrih membantu sesama, sekuat dan semampu kita. Sungguh mulia. Terimakasih banyak.


Semangat terus BLG untuk menebar kebaikan…



Thanks mbah @Wiro_SPoerwoko yang selalu support BatuLocalGuides, sehat sehat selalu mbah :hugs:


You’re welcome @br14n


salut sama kegiatan Batu Local Guides… semoga bisa memberikan banyak manfaat untuk masyarakat sekitarnya :+1: :+1:


Helping and safe each other are important, but safe the nature is important too…salut for Batu Local Guides - Indonesia for the actions…


Halo mbah @Wiro_SPoerwoko Sam @Assaifi_Mc dan mas @Mukhlis_elang . Terima kasih sudah ikut memberikan dukungan atas terlaksananya setiap kegiatan. Semoga semuanya tetap diberi kesehatan dan kekuatan untuk bisa saling membantu sesama.