Arabian Flat Bread-Khubz

The Arabic flat bread also known as “Khubz” is the popular staple food in Saudi Arabia (KSA). Khubz in KSA is usually made from wheat or All-purpose flour and has a soft rubbery texture and is very convenient to fold and fill.

In KSA, it is very common to see the local supermarkets and bakeries equipped with the traditional masonry oven baking the fresh Khubz and selling to the customers.

In my local community, Khubz is usually eaten at every meal and is basically used to pick up the food from the plate. Even in the Arabian street food Khubz is used along with the fillings such as shawarma chicken/lamb, falafel, kibdah.

It is highly preferable to eat the freshly baked Khubz when it is still warm. Usually, the Khubz has an expiry date of 4 to 5 days from production date and it cost very cheap in KSA (5 to 6 khubz ~0.25US$)


Hi @fasi6083

Thanks for sharing some interesting information about an everyday food item from KSA.

I think this is similar to the ‘Roti’ or more specifically the ‘Fulka’.

~Greetings from New Delhi


شكرا على تقاسم الخبز @fasi6083 ، فالخبز من الضروريات ، يحتل المرتبة الثانية بعد الماء.

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Most of expats Love Khubz :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @fasi6083

It is very interesting, thank you for sharing Arabian Flat Bread-Khubz with us. I would like to suggest that you take a look at this The best photography tips for taking pictures of food and How to write a helpful grocery store review

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Thank you for your post @fasi6083 !

Love khubz.

