Afternoon walk around PIK, JKT

Hi! This is my first post. This building located in PIK, Jakarta, Indonesia. I took this photo when I walked around there.

I’m still learning and enjoy helping people.



Hi @Discovereut

Wow! You didn’t do too bad for your first post. A welcome to you, and nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing this post with us. For Some beginners on the forum we usually recommend that they look up 14-helpful-tips-for-using-Connect and also kindly Introduce-Yourself-May-2022 you’ll get to meet other local guides and am sure they will be happy to meet you as well.

Look forward to read more post from you in the future,happy guiding



Thanks for sharing your experience with us @Discovereut .

I living outside of Jakarta,Sukabumi for exactly.And I heard often about PIK from friends they said PIK is great place for hangout and so many instagramable place.So my question is what your favorite things about PIK ?

By the way welcome to connect,our offial forum for sharing experience about local guides ,google maps and related.Enjoy for interaction with fellow local guide around the globe.

Thank you.

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Hi @SholaIB ,

Thank you for sharing some tips and suggestions for me and nice to meet you too. I am happy to join to share new experiences and help others here.

Also thanks for your support. Happy guiding! :grin:

Hi @Nyainurjanah

Nice to meet you. It was my first time to visit PIK. There are many things that I haven’t explored yet. Maybe next time, I have the opportunity to explore further there.

For now, my favorite things are the vibes of the place and the variety of food there. In addition, as you said, there are also many instagramable places to take pictures there. :grin:

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That’s great @Discovereut

Added PIK to my list on maps to place want to visit.

Can’t wait for your future post about PIK.One more question,PIk are reachedable also from public transport like TransJakarta or KRL ?

Thank you !

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Unfortunately @Nyainurjanah

I haven’t tried to get there using Transjakarta and KRL.

However, I received information that PIK can be accessed using Transjakarta or KRL. But, I’m not sure this answer is correct or not because I haven’t tried it either.

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I’m totally agree with @SholaIB that the pictures are so good , what type of building is this ?

I’m happy that you’re trying to help other , no worry you will learn more in this community and by applying this your post will become more helpful :blush:

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Thanks for responding. If you don’t mind can I give you one more tip?

Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first article

Thank you @Mukul_Anand and @Nyainurjanah . Happy guiding


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Thanks for confirmation about public transport @Discovereut .

Stay safe and enjoy as local guide ,have a wonderful day for you.
