A trip to Huancabamba, Oxapampa - Perú

Hello everybody!

I felt like wishing to write something interesting and nice about my country (Perú) so here I am!. I came up with the idea to share with you some thoughts about a very nice place called Huancabamba, Oxapampa.

Important to say that I felt encouraged by @AdrianLunsong posts as well as the wish to take the opportunity to participate in #ConnectWritingChallenge. What a great initiative!.

Some important notes about Oxapampa:

Oxapampa is a town in Peru, on the eastern side of the department of the Pasco Region****. A ranching and coffee center, it was founded by German settlers in the 19th century. There are no airports there so the idea is to travel to Lima by plane and take a bus that will take approximately 10 hours to get to Oxapampa. The approximate height of Oxapampa is 2000 meters above sea level. You might feel a little dizzy at the beginning but after a couple of hours, you will feel a lot better. (Tip: drink “mate de coca”, you can buy it at any store, cheap, natural and effective). Besides, this place is so beautiful that you will only think about taking pictures, having fun and relax as much as possible.

What to eat/buy:

Huancabamba and Oxapampa are well known in Peru for their dairy products, like milk, butter, cheese (several types), passion fruit, avocado, honey bee, meat (sausage), and coffee. In fact, they are major coffee producers, exporters, and suppliers of the most popular brands in the world.

Places to Go

Rancho Ruffner

Perks: Rodeos, traditional events & culinary options, ideal for families

Catarata Anana

“Anana Waterfall”. It is beautiful and the place is big, ideal for taking photos & videos or hanging out with your family and friends.

Fundo Rancheria

It is one of the oldest farms in the area, which belonged to the first settlers of Oxapampa. This farm conducts experiential tourism. They also produce 100% organic honeybee and coffee.

Tunki Cueva

Tunki Cave is very entertaining for children and adults. It is located in one of the districts of Oxapampa, called Chontabamba. There are some restaurants in the surroundings.

Here I am sharing pictures of the town of Huancabamba and the type of places, landscapes, artifacts that you might find when traveling there. The first pictures are settlers’ houses (I do have family related to those settlers). You might even find one picture of me and my oldest daughter!.

Thanks for reading this short post!. I truly hope you enjoyed it! It is a privilege to share all these thoughts with you as well as reading such amazing stories from you so frequently!

Best wishes! Let´s connect the world!




Your stunning photos and beautiful words speak volumes of the beauty of your gorgeous country, @marcorp Keep it coming :+1:


@SirB thanks a lot for your kind words! Yes, Perú is fantastic, still, a lot to do economic wise but our touristic options are getting better every day!

Hello once again, dear @marcorp !

I just saw your post for Writing Challenge!

You have a great post. I liked your structure and amazing pictures!

Still, as to my mind, you can improve it even more by adding links right in your post so you don’t need to leave long http adress and maybe make some collages of your photos, it would look great with your shots and will safe you some space too.

Have a great great continuation!

All all all the best,



@uavalentine that´s very kind of you!!! so nice to read these replies… I enjoy reading your posts as well!

I will try to fix this post based on your suggestions… what I don´t know is to short links? :slight_smile:

@uavalentine sorry I just read your links, all the answers are there! thanks a lot!

Hermoso post @marcorp y muy huenas fotos del querido país hermano de Perú.

Sin lugar a dudas un país para visitar, tengo varios conocidos que ya fueron y quedaron maravillados.

En algún momento en el futuro me gustaría organizar un viaje para esos pagos.

Saludos cordiales!

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@SebaasC claro que si! un placer estar conectados y aprender un poco más acerca de nuestros paises y lo que tienen para ofrecer al mundo!



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Great write up @marcorp ! I really like your topic because I’m so unfamiliar with Peru that it’s a great opportunity for me to learn more about your country! This is what Connect is great for and I hope that Local Guides like yourself will take the opportunity to showcase your part of the world to the rest of the community!

I haven’t had time to view the videos yet but one tip I have for your photos is to put some of them in a collage. Photos that show the vibe of the area/venue but doesn’t need to be examined in great detail like the farm animals and the farmhouses can be put together into a single collage. I would normally reserve a large single photo for when you have a photo with a lot of details in it (eg. architecture, expansive landscapes, cityscapes etc). It’s a very minor thing and purely optional too because overall, it’s a great post!

Thanks again for sharing!


thank you @AdrianLunsong for your kind response. I am really happy that you liked my post. I just learned to use collages, in fact, I posted another thing using them, I will tag you so you can check it out. In the meantime I will try to edit this one so It will look better :slight_smile:

Thanks again my friend!

@marcorp lovely Peru!!! I love peruvian people


@marcorp I like the pictures of the country side!!! I love all the arts and ancient culture


@marcorp you create an awsome post too many pictures so colorful and vivid


@Male2019 well, thank you so much for your kind response!

Visiting the whole country must be an experience… I know several places but the bucket list is big. @Male2019

@Male2019 thank you, I used filter options of my Instagram account :slight_smile:

Congratulations on writing to the TOP, @marcorp !!!
