10th Anniversary Design Challenge - A logo to represent this amazing milestone

Well done!! :+1:

@Ranu5g As mentioned in the post, please use the submission form only. Some Local Guides are sharing their designs in the comments section just to share with the community but I will not treat them as entries into the competition. So, please use the form. Thanks :slight_smile:

@Shubhu1 Please use the form to submit your final 5 designs. Thanks

As of 31/01/25 00:58, here is a log of entries submitted so far. The challenge will close once we reach 1st February and no more further entries will be accepted. So there is just less than 24 hours left! :exploding_head:

Table above was updated 01/02, 20:06. Submissions are now closed.
Total participants = 34; Total designs = 102

Please check that it’s correct! Thanks!

Here are some folks that have mentioned interest in the comments but I don’t see their entries. Please complete your designs soon and submit them before the deadline. Only entries submitted via the form will be accepted. :+1:

@MathanVibranarayan @Manishhh @Rakshith_LG @MASONNET @ModNomad @marianarocha @Ranu5g @RosyKohli


Can I submit new logos, again?

Wow, many of us are creater.

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@giteshsharma As you have previously submitted 3 designs, you can only submit 2 more. So feel free to fill in the form with your final 2 designs. Thanks! :blush:

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Ok, thanks for confirmation. :handshake:


@AdrianLunsong thanks for the reminder I just did it :raised_hands:t2:

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I resubmit

Hi @AdrianLunsong !
Sent now my masterpiece! :grin:


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I submitted the form on 31 st january only 2 design for Tshirt i could send .
Best wishes to everyone who took part best person wins .
Don’t get disheartened everyone who took part is winner but the best will achieve :trophy:.

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Massive thanks to everyone for participating!! The design challenge is closed and I shut down the form earlier today at the stated deadline (midnight on 31 Jan at UTC-12 time zone).

We’ll now begin the judging process:

  • Phase 1: top 10 designs will be selected by a group of Connect Moderators
  • Phase 2: top 3 to 5 designs from Phase 1 will be selected by the Local Guides team
  • Phase 3: public voting by the community of the top 3 to 5 entries designs from Phase 2 to decide the final winner!

We’re hoping to get to Phase 3 as quickly as possible so stay tuned for an upcoming post soon! :blush:

Once again, I’m really happy with the number of participants and their designs. It’s certainly going to keep the judging panel busy! As @RosyKohli put it ever so nicely, we are all winners already for joining in this fun challenge! I hope that everyone has had a great time with this and enjoyed squeezing out the creative juices! :smile:

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@giteshsharma Could I check if these two designs are for the logo or the t-shirt design challenge? It’s just that you shared these two under this logo post but you submitted them under the t-shirt challenge so I’m a bit confused :sweat_smile:

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Don’t worry, you just choose my logos, which I submitted. :rofl::rofl:

Ah okay, I will keep them as the t-shirt because they were submitted under that form. Thanks!

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@AdrianLunsong I already submitted my four best logo designs via the competition form in 29 January. You tagged my name.

OMG @MaxPlusFood no pineapple?