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Spring Blossom 2024: Photo Challenge

It is the spring season and is celebrated as Vasant Ritu in India.
There are no native trees that shed leaves and gain new ones out here.
But blossoming trees are everywhere.
Here's one such outside my residential apartment in Pune.
This is a Gulmohur tree with its gleaming and shining blossom.
The yellow bus beneath it nicely compliments the radiant orange colors.
Together under the blue sky, the trio forms a picture-perfect street scene this spring season.


A yellow bus beneath a radiant orange blossom of the Gulmohur tree in Pune, IndiaA yellow bus beneath a radiant orange blossom of the Gulmohur tree in Pune, India


Did you see a blossoming Gulmohur tree in your neighborhood?

🌻 🌸 🌼 🌺 🏵

Please share your photos in the comments.

Pune, Maharashtra, India
Level 8

Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Tushar ji




This flower is open in May months 




At my home lemon tree small bird build a nest

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-07 at 5.52.29 PM.jpeg

Share with you .....👍

Level 8

Betreff: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Hallo @Tushar_Suradkar ,

Vielen Dank das Sie dieses schöne  Foto mit uns teilen

Bei uns blüht  jetzt der Holunder.Bei uns blüht jetzt der Holunder.

Level 7

Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge


Lone Sentinel.jpg

The Resilient Sentinel: A Lone Tree's Triumph on the Mountain Top


Perched atop a rugged mountain called Ganesh Hill in Himayat Bagh, Aurangabad, India is a solitary tree that stands tall, defying the fury of the elements. This stalwart sentinel has weathered countless storms, its roots digging deep into the rocky terrain like a steadfast anchor. The tree's gnarled branches stretch towards the sky, a testament to its unyielding spirit.


I had snapped this picture on one of my evening treks a while ago. 


It may be Vasant rutu in India, but there's no respite from the summer heat. And still despite the harsh conditions, the tree has adapted. It's  twisted limbs a reflection of the relentless winds and dust storms it has endured.


Yet, in the midst of this seemingly unforgiving landscape, the tree finds beauty, its leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze like a gentle whisper.


This lone tree is a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope in a world that often seems unforgiving. It reminds me (and I hope my readers too) that even in the most inhospitable environments, there is always the potential for growth, for survival, and for triumph.


As a dark cover of clouds gather for an unseasonal rain over the mountain platue, the tree's silhouette stands stark against the gray sky, a poignant reminder of the power of determination and the enduring beauty of nature's wonders.


The lone tree on the mountain top is a sentinel of hope, a guardian of the wilderness, and a testament to the indomitable will to thrive.

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Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Thank you for the photo, dear @tidkeprashant_2019 

But the challenge is about "Blossoming Gulmohur Tree" or any tree.


Please edit your post to include a flowering/blossoming tree 😊

Level 9

Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Good topic, @Tushar_Suradkar 


You know, luckily, I have one Gulmohar tree right in front of my house, can not take picture right now as I am facing the sunlight. I will add it tomorrow or a bit later.

Here is one Gulmohar tree captured in Belgaum, Karnataka.





Level 7

Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Sure. I will do it asap. May I remove my earlier post if it's not appropriate topic-wise? No problem for me if you say so. 

Level 8

Betreff: Spring Blossom 2024: Photo Challenge

Hallo @Tushar_Suradkar 

Neben meiner Wohnung  gibt es Garten

.Seit Jahren fast ohne Pflege.

Ein kleiner  Urwald  ist entstanden. 

Ein blühender  Baum.Ein blühender Baum.

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Re: Spring Season 2024: Photo Challenge

Hi @tidkeprashant_2019 

No worries 😊

A post cannot be removed, not even by moderators.

You may edit and change the photo and the text 


Level 10

Re: Spring Blossom 2024: Photo Challenge





मी माझे स्प्रिंग ब्लॉसम फोटो शेअर करत आहे 


at Andheri West Mumbaiat Andheri West Mumbai


at Andheri West Mumbaiat Andheri West Mumbai




Charkop 8, Kandiwali West MumbaiCharkop 8, Kandiwali West Mumbai


Charkop 8, Kandiwali West MumbaiCharkop 8, Kandiwali West Mumbai