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Can we get a dedicated mobile app for Local Guides Connect please?

I think this is one of the most requested idea regarding Connect, but I'm going to repeat it since we now have a (more) official space to document ideas and feedback.


The mobile experience using browser is not very pleasant, as it's pretty much difficult to do... well.. everything. Creating a post from mobile is out of the question, as most of the time I'm fumbling over different buttons before I gave up and decided to write it once I'm in front of my computer.

Google Moderator

Hello @CarpeDiemSpain,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that what you suggested is related to an existing idea with the title Can we get a dedicated mobile app for Local Guides Connect please? I am merging your idea there to prevent duplication and to keep Connect organized.


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Level 6

I thought There must a local guide connect application 

So it will he very easy for android and iOS users to reach to millions of local guides 

Level 6

Facing many problems while using local guide connect in Android and in iOS also.

So, Google should introduce a new updated Google local guide connect app. 

Level 6

Facing many issues while using local guides connect website on Android. 


Google should Make a new local guide app for Android and iOS. And if they should not make any application then can update Google map with Google connect on the bottom.

Google Moderator

Hi @SwapnilWani,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that what you suggested is related to an existing idea with the title Can we get a dedicated mobile app for Local Guides Connect please? I am merging your idea there to prevent duplication and to keep Connect organized.


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Google Moderator

Hi @All8ractive,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that what you suggested is related to an existing idea with the title Can we get a dedicated mobile app for Local Guides Connect please? I am merging both your ideas about creating an app to prevent duplication and to keep Connect organized.


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Level 7

Yes that's a good idea

Level 7

Google guides Connect should have an app or be integrated better into the Google maps app. 


I want to use this forum more, but without an app and no real signpost to here from the main app, I find myself forgetting to visit for months at a time!

Level 10

Es cierto, pero por si te sirve, una vez estás en Local Guides en Chrome, 3 puntitos y Añadir a pantalla de inicio. Te crea un icono en tu escritorio del móvil. Así con cualquier web. Bueno, esa opción está en Android, desconozco si en Iphone. Y no siempre sabe hacerlo bien. No en todos los modelos sabe ponerlo en el escritorio. Y tal vez se ponga en la última pantalla de la derecha y puedes desplazar el icono a la pantalla que quieras.


Google Moderator

Hi @Loamsdown500,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that what you suggested is related to an existing idea with the title Can we get a dedicated mobile app for Local Guides Connect please? I am merging your idea there to prevent duplication and to keep Connect organized.


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!