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Level 10

Re: 507 Star Videos L10 (January 2024)

@AdamGT When attempting to access the 'December' Leaderboards within the 'Level 10 Star Video Views Leaderboard(January 2024)’  I encountered error messages.

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Level 10

Re: 530 Star Video Commentary (January 2024)

@Scheria   Thanks for your wishes here!

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Level 10

Re: 501 Featured Star Video (January 2024)

Hello, my dear friend @AdamGT Ji,

Very happy to see that our @JustJake's video is featured...

Unfortunately, my Star Video score is almost frozen... 


Regards to you both... 


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Connect Moderator

Re: 501 Featured Star Video (January 2024)


Thank you @JustJake for your continued appreciation of the Leaderboards and for the great video, certainly worthy of being featured.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Connect Moderator

Re: 530 Star Video Commentary (January 2024)


Thank you for your appreciation @Scheria and what better post to stumble on early on your first time on Connect than @JustJake's All It Took Was A Little Nudge post. I love the graphs in Jake's post 😀


Also, there can be little doubt than following @Mikeinthefalls's lead by focusing on quality vs quantity.  I only wish I cottoned onto this strategy when I was starting off as a Local Guide.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Connect Moderator

Re: 507 Star Videos L10 (January 2024)


Thank you so much for checking the links pointing to prior moths leaderboards @PrasadVR. I've now fixed the broken December link that you mention.


As you will appreciate, there are many hundreds if not more links each month and I can make mistakes. One day when I have a spare moment, I'll have to count the number of actual links to go into the monthly leaderboards.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Connect Moderator

Re: 501 Featured Star Video (January 2024)


I appreciate how you feel @TravellerG, it happens and has happened to me also.  Best we can do is learn from the videos of others. Look at the videos that out shine our "stars" and try to improve on the "quality" of our own videos and when I say "quality" I mean taking videos that Google likes and not what we like and of course videos that are more helpful to users. It's not easy I know but the Leaderboards can help us a lot in this endeavor.


Keep contributing, keep learning and keep improving. Fingers crossed that I soon will have the opportunity of spending a bit more time out there contributing more. I've let these top gun contributors get to far ahead for my liking and I now have them in my sight 😂 🤣  Wish me well.



Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 8

Re: Top 100 Star Videos Leaderboards (January 2024)

Wow, I haven't expected to appear in several leaderboards and so high. Thanks for the welcomes and congrats, @Scheria , @PrasadVR , @TerryPG . And additional thanks to @AdamGT who dedicates his time and effort to compile the leaderboard.

Level 10

Re: 501 Featured Star Video (January 2024)

Hello, @AdamGT Ji, 

"... learn from the videos of others..." 

"... taking videos that Google likes..." 

I try my best... 


"...I've let these top gun contributors get to far ahead.. C

Fully appreciate your efforts and dedication, dear friend 

"Wish me well." - with the whole heart! 


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Level 10

Dot.: Top 100 Star Videos Leaderboards (January 2024)

2023 - 2024 to najgorszy okres w funkcjonowaniu Google Maps . Totalny bałagan . Odrzucane są opinie i zdjęcia które kompletnie nie naruszają regulaminu. Liczniki wyświetleń nie funkcjonują np. liczba wyświetleń dziś jest o 5000 niższa niż wczoraj . Ponad 500 zdjęć straciło całkowicie licznik wyświetleń - miały po kilkaset wyświetleń , teraz nie mają nic . Ja nie czepiam się , po prostu stwierdzam fakt że ta sytuacja trwa już 2 rok . Mam też swój profil na mniej znanym portalu

i muszę stwierdzić że od 4 lat tam nigdy coś podobnego się nie zdarzyło ani razu .