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Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Hello Local guides,


This is my first time to organise a campaign on connect for the maps but my 2nd initiative and I hope you all would support me. It's all about improving the maps. I have an idea of adding 3,000 roads to the maps worldwide . We have a target time of 6 months March- September.It doesn't matter where you are you can participate as a local guide. No amount is too little to add to support this campaign. Officially the link to drawing road on Google is here on this link  . It's 15 points for every approved road. There is alot of advantages to your participation in this campaign.

  1. Interactions with other local guides as a community member
  2. Increased points 
  3. Increased contributions
  4. Levelling up
  5. Learning new skills 
  6. Improving the maps etc


For some of us local guides,adding roads on the maps is almost an impossibility. Feel free to join this challenge for motivation. This might be your chance to to-get-rid-of-that-annoying-0-for-Roads-added . My adding roads on the maps carrier started from your post @JanVanHaver . I remember adding my first road using the different techniques you mentioned in your post and about 2 years ago I got my first roads approved. It was quite interesting and a new thrill for me.


Now before the new desktop Road editor was rolled out,the approval rate was slow. Now with the new desktop editor,thanks to Google and their Continuous improvements on the maps. The approval rate is high. I Mainly use that for adding roads. There is a big difference  between roads added on the maps and roads added on Road mappers. Therefore only roads added on the maps are applicable for this campaign.


I'll have to say @ErmesT post on Correct-Road-Shapes-in-Google-Maps-quot-Follow-the-Blue-Line and 1000-roads-in-Google-Maps are worth reading for anyone who wants to participate in this campaign.

Caption: A collage of some roads in India  specifically Madhya,Pradesh and Rajasthan. Courtesty @LovePhatak28 local guide level 9.Caption: A collage of some roads in India specifically Madhya,Pradesh and Rajasthan. Courtesty @LovePhatak28 local guide level 9.


I have read them a number of times and it helped me alot. Please kindly read them too. There are also inspiring stories of those who have drawn 1000 roads etc all by themselves in his posts. The last text or post to read when it comes to roads and this challenge is Roads-in-Google-Maps-2000-roads-later . 

How do I participate as a local guide

This campaign is open to all interested local guides irrespective of level. 

  • Kindly fill out this Form
  • We will request for a screenshot of your profile photo showing tbe number of roads to start with in the form 
  • Username on connect to add to this post and also to be able to access the Google maps profile to follow your progress as we go along 
  • Geographical location
  • Meet-up and group discussions are a possibility for instructions and motivations 
  • We will plan to publish top 5 highest contributors at the end of the event.


Please Note  that this is not a competition it's a simple campaign. It is aimed at creating awareness on drawing roads. It's also aimed at improving the maps worldwide. There are  no gift or medals at the end of the's a voluntary activity like all local guides activities.




Disclaimer This campaign or post about adding roads, is unofficial and it's my personal initiative to help improve the maps. Note that any information collected will not be used for any other official purpose outside connect forum.

Look forward to active participation and interactions over this. All questions are highly welcome and we are open to improving and editing this campaign for good.


Please note that we have reached our target and the campaign is closed for 2023. (12th Sept 2023)


Happy mapping 

Signed @SholaIB host           @LovePathak28 Co-host.


Liberia, Love of Liberty brought us here

Proudly Nigerian but loves Ghana.

Warm greetings from W.Africa.

New on Connect? Please see my welcome-card

Selected Connect posts: My local guide lamp | Nigerian Digital History Museum | West-African dishes | Gwarimpa/Abuja Food Crawl | My first post on Connect | I'm a community builder |Find all my Connect posts here

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Monrovia, Liberia
Connect Moderator

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Announcement 157 roads so far !!!


Our 3k roads(TRAC 2023) is 4 days old now. The event is well underway and we have been working to add roads to the maps in different countries and continents as possible. The number of participants are still quite low,so we are still calling for participation of local guides. Even one road added will do you good and wll make the maps  better. Aside the points and badges,the community building spirit and team work is good. You'll get motivation to start drawing roads if you haven't started and motivation draw more if you have. We therefore urge you to please participate. Thanks



@ErmesT *

@JanVanHaver *

@SholaIB *(Host)

@LovePathak28 (Co-Host)







Number of roads approved in 4 days


ErmesT -24


Jayasimha78- 5


For now LovePathak28 is the trailblazer for drawing roads as far as the TRAC event is concerned. He has drawn more roads than all the participants for now but it could change anytime. Lol. It's just the beginning. Congratulations man and more wins.


Although our approval rate is not what we expect yet we may have to increase our target if possible because we have some very active and vibrant local guides and CM on the campaign which we really appreciate.  This therefore means we might soon Increase our target if all goes as planned.


Closing remarks,new ideas and constructive criticisms are welcome if it will make the event better. Please let's know in the comments box below.


Happy guiding and mapping 




Liberia, Love of Liberty brought us here

Proudly Nigerian but loves Ghana.

Warm greetings from W.Africa.

New on Connect? Please see my welcome-card

Selected Connect posts: My local guide lamp | Nigerian Digital History Museum | West-African dishes | Gwarimpa/Abuja Food Crawl | My first post on Connect | I'm a community builder |Find all my Connect posts here

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Level 9

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

The concept of promoting lesser-known and off-the-beaten-path destinations is a fantastic initiative to support local businesses and communities @SholaIB . This campaign is a creative and valuable idea, and I hope it encourages more people to explore and appreciate the lesser-known destinations in their travels.

Connect Moderator

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Great idea @SholaIB , I have signed up right away!

Check out LetsGuide Podcast | #LGCTM | Please always @Mention me so I see your reply
Connect Moderator

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Hey @JanVanHaver 


Thank you for signing up for this campaign. I saw that on the Google form and I was thrilled.


You started me on this course so it's nice to have you on the ride. We have time anyway no rush but I might even be tempted to increase the target depending on how we get on especially with the approval.


Happy mapping 


Liberia, Love of Liberty brought us here

Proudly Nigerian but loves Ghana.

Warm greetings from W.Africa.

New on Connect? Please see my welcome-card

Selected Connect posts: My local guide lamp | Nigerian Digital History Museum | West-African dishes | Gwarimpa/Abuja Food Crawl | My first post on Connect | I'm a community builder |Find all my Connect posts here

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TRAC Badge
Level 7

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Really Amazing Initiative..

I am new at local guide connect.. 

I have joined this campaign.


@LovePhatak28 Thanks for sharing this opportunity.. 


Dil Se Deshi
Level 7

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Great piece. Kudos to you Shola

Level 10

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

It is a great campaign which will reduce the problem of unmapped roads. Every Local Guide specially those who like road mapping must take part in this campaign.


Jai Shree Ram - Happy Guiding

Connect Moderator

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC

Welcome back to connect @preciousimo 


It's quite a while ago you visited the forum last. Nice to have you on board.


Thank you for joining the campaign.  Please kindly fill out the form and join the group.


One more thing please,when replying to someone here remember to use the tagging tool @ followed by the username just like I did to yours above.


See you around the corner.


Happy guiding 


Liberia, Love of Liberty brought us here

Proudly Nigerian but loves Ghana.

Warm greetings from W.Africa.

New on Connect? Please see my welcome-card

Selected Connect posts: My local guide lamp | Nigerian Digital History Museum | West-African dishes | Gwarimpa/Abuja Food Crawl | My first post on Connect | I'm a community builder |Find all my Connect posts here

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TRAC Badge
Connect Moderator

Re: 3Thousand roads add campaign 2023 TRAC



That's true. I look forward to Increasing my points and making the maps better etc. I like the fun too.


Thank you for assisting in this campaign and for your contributions.


Happy guiding 


Liberia, Love of Liberty brought us here

Proudly Nigerian but loves Ghana.

Warm greetings from W.Africa.

New on Connect? Please see my welcome-card

Selected Connect posts: My local guide lamp | Nigerian Digital History Museum | West-African dishes | Gwarimpa/Abuja Food Crawl | My first post on Connect | I'm a community builder |Find all my Connect posts here

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