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Level 8

#TeamIndia - MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Hi Friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2020.  Happy to post my first write-up of this year.


You may wonder

Why this post is started?

Is it really about a month??

Where and when this month is followed?

Is there any scientific significance?

What is special about this month?

This passage below throws light for all the above questions.


I have started this topic to explain some interesting facts about why this month is considered auspicious and what practices are observed during this month. 

Cover Photos Gurukrishnapriya- Ind. Traditions.jpg

 (Thanjavur Brigatheeswar Temple, Tamil Nadu)

Tamil Calendar is followed in Tamil Nadu in India. MARGAZHI is the name of the 9th month. This month comes in mid December i.e.15th or 16th till mid January. Now this month is followed here in Tamil Nadu


According to the tradition, every day early morning 4 to 6 am is considered as the very auspicious time. The atmosphere will be silent and fresh. So also this month is considered as very auspicious month equal to the early hours. It is believed that 12 months of a year is one day in God's calendar and this month is the early morning two hours 4 to 6 am. Beliefs apart, it is a proven fact that the early morning hours 4 to 6 am is the best time of the day, to meditate or do exercise. 


Any work done during this month is dedicated to God. Women in South India, will wake up early in the morning, Clean the place in the street, before their houses, sprinkle water mixed with cowdung, and put colorful KOLAMS or Rangoli (Pattern and designs) and then take bath. Men also wake up during this time take bath, offer prayers in their houses. Fruit and butter are kept before God as offerings and then consumed.  Then they will go to nearby Temples, go around the Temple streets singing songs in praise of God.  Then continue with their daily duties.


(It takes minimum 20 to 30 minutes to complete the kolam)


During this month, people here make it a point to visit Temples,  every day, either in mornings or in evenings. The serene atmosphere inside the Temples gives solace and peace of mind. In India there are many big and beautiful Temples.  This month is known as 'Dhanur Maas' throughout India. This month being very auspicious, people undertake fasting.



Temple Gopuram (Photo courtesy LG @Jose_G_Benjamin )


How this practice is scientifically significant?

During winter months, our body becomes rigid and we feel very very lazy,  to wake up and get out of bed.  We are dull and we will never wake up early to feel the morning freshness, which is very good for our health.  Though the climate outside is very cold, inside our body it is very hot. We will get heat related problems and health issues, particularly stomach ulcers and mouth ulcers.

The above mentioned practices are like exercises to body and mind.  Eating the fruits and butter in empty stomach reduce the heat related health issues.  Going in and around Temples early in the morning  will make us feel very refreshed.


(Our group singing performance) Picture by LG Guru Krishna Priya.


In the evenings many programmes related to classical music and dances are conducted in Temples, parks and public halls. This month is a musical month. In many Temples curd rice and jaggery rice is given as offering to God and then distributed to the devotees. The tenth day after new moon day, fasting is observed and the on next day to break the fast, sacred Thulasi water is taken, then gooseberries, herbs and mixed 21 varieties of vegetables, cooked along with rice is taken. 


The fasting cleanses the toxins of our stomach, and gooseberries, herbs and vegetables heals and give strength to us.


Exercises done during the early hours, keep us refreshed the whole day. So also the above practices observed during the month keeps our mind, body and soul refreshed throughout the whole year. This is the speciality of this month.


Incidentally Christmas celebrations also happen during this month, singing carols, illuminating houses and churches adds flavour to this month. People visit Churches regularly.


Hope you enjoy reading this article.

This post is part of 

 #TeamIndia group  under the valuable guidance and support by @TravellerG and Team for #TeamChallenge initiated 

by  @ErmesT whose motivation means a lot.

I would like to tag here our Moderators @DeniGu , @AdrianLunsong @BorrisS @Aruni and @KatyaL as you are very much interested in Indian Culture.

Thanks to all members of





Passionate about
#Temple Art & Architecture
#Nature lover
#Save the Trees
#Typewriter Artist

. Happy Guiding.

Tamil Nadu, India
Level 8

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Hi @VickyKrish  @RtnArulPrakasamT   @Tushar18  @Selvamani_R  @Kousalya @ajlenin and all other friends, wishing you all a very very HAPPY NEW YEAR. On the insistance of Tushar 18 I have written this post. Expecting your valuable responses. 

Passionate about
#Temple Art & Architecture
#Nature lover
#Save the Trees
#Typewriter Artist

. Happy Guiding.

Level 10
Level 10

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

That's a remarkably incredible introduction of the great tradition @Gurukrishnapriya 


Is the start of a month linked to a Solar Calendar and not to the phases of the moon?


Marghazi sounds similar to Margsheersh. However, after the recent eclipse, that month is over and Pausha has commenced, hence the curiosity.

Level 8

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Thanks @Gurukrishnapriya  for tagging me. It was a divine experience to read this post in this divine month. Thanks a lot for writing  about the traditions and culture followed during this month. 

kousalya narayana
Level 8

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

@Gurukrishnapriya Thanks and wish you a very happy new year

kousalya narayana
Level 10

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Hi @Gurukrishnapriya 

This is a great posting. Thanks.


Level 10

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Thanks for your great Gift... Dear LG @Gurukrishnapriya

The content of the post is really valuable for, even we Indians... 


We want you to give us MORE details about Kolam, when time permits.


Shall be back shortly, to go to details and TAG more LGs,



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Level 10

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.


Happy new year

Very true. For the whole world, in fact. Please do that we will be very interested in seeing more on Kolam.

Thanks and best regards


Level 10

Re: MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.


Great question.

I am sure it is on lunar calendar month "Magha"

Magha 1, 2020 falls on January 11 following, panchang, muhurat,vrats and fasting days.



 Thanks and regards


Level 9

Re: #TeamIndia - MARGHAZHI - The Auspicious month in Tamil Calendar.

Nice post dear @Gurukrishnapriya , I personally appreciate you for this cultural post. 


It is best to congratulate in Tamil


மார்கழி மாதத்தின் சிறப்பை ஒரு மாதர் சொல்வதே சிறப்பு அந்த வகையில் தாங்கள் இந்த பதிவை செய்தமைக்கு என்னுடைய மனமார்ந்த பாராட்டுக்கள்.


மார்கழியின் மற்றும் ஒரு சிறப்பு ஆண்டாள் வழங்கிய திருப்பாவை அதை தாங்கள் குறிப்பிட்ட வேண்டுகிறேன். 


தமிழக அரசின் சின்னமாகிய ஆண்டாள் திருக்கோவிலில் மார்கழி வைபவத்தையும் குறிப்பிட வேண்டுகிறேன். 


இது குறித்து உதவி வேண்டும் எனில் நான் உங்களுக்கு உதவி செய்கிறேன். 

