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Level 8

Re: Suomen kaksikielisissä kunnissa katunimet menevät paikkoin sekaisin


Thanks. I see that You are totally understanding the problem. People not living in multilingual consepts do not usully understand that these things could be a problem. And I think that also is one problem for GoogleMaps. It is developed for monolingual use and then at some point got aware of that this is not the reality many people around the world live in.

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Re: Suomen kaksikielisissä kunnissa katunimet menevät paikkoin sekaisin



You wrote "Google Maps is developed for monolingual use" that is not correct. Under normal circumstances Maps works wonders across borders and languages.


My understanding of the problem you described is that the Street names have not been added to the different street name fields correctly, right? Finish names was added in the Swedish text fields and vice versa. 


Keep in mind that Google Maps will always fall back to available data should a street name not be available in the language selected by the user. This fact will make it look more messy than it really is = some names are just missing in the database. 


And still, if the national data is faulty or have missing values then it is hard to blame Google Maps for it. 


@gmapas gave you a brilliant reply. Fingers crossed this can be solved. Please use the Maps support forum to persue solutions on this. 


