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Level 9

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

The ultimate guide to crack the photo AI 🙂 @MortenCopenhagen 

★  Guiding Stars 2021   ★  My Footprints   ★  Instagram 

Level 10

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

This is a smart idea @MortenCopenhagen 

I love how you made a table of contents (index) here so we can have articles to look forward to. Look at you go! 👏

Level 8

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

Great, it is rolling out now on Connect @MortenCopenhagen . Again, congratulations on your achievements and BIG compliments for the quality of your tutorials.

Connect Moderator

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

Thanks a bunch, @JeroenM


A surprising amount of editing is needed each week to adapt to Connect since Facebook does not allow more than one illustration inserted into the text. But I will hang in there and get it done!




Level 9

Betreff: Storefront Photography Series Index

Hallo @MortenCopenhagen,


Ich bin ganz begeistert von deiner Storefront Photography Serie und habe schon sehr viel daraus gelernt. Woche für Woche freue ich mich über die neue Folge und werde ganz sicher traurig sein, wenn die Serie beendet ist. 


Helfen kannst du mir, ein Rätsel zu lösen. Ich habe bis heute noch nicht verstanden, warum der durchschnittlichen Zahl der Fotoaufrufe so große Bedeutung und so viel Interesse gewidmet wird. Was sagt denn eine hohe Zahl durchschnittlicher Fotoaufrufe aus? Ich denke,  je mehr Fotos ich in meinem Profil habe, umso weniger sagt der Durchschnitt über die einzelnen Fotos aus.


Besonders überrascht es mich, zu lesen,  dass einige Guides sogar weniger gut laufende Fotos löschen,  um den Durchschnitt höher zu halten. Sind Fotos mit geringen Aufrufzahlen denn so viel weniger wert, dass sie lieber verschwinden sollten? Hier bin ich wirklich ratlos. 


Und dann gibt es noch etwas, worüber ich gerne mehr Erfahrungsaustausch hätte: Die Verweildauer, wie lange ein Foto das Top-Foto eines Ortes bleibt (oder auch an einer anderen Stelle der gefeatureten Fotos eines Ortes). Hängt das wirklich "nur" davon ab, wie viele Fotos es von dem Ort bereits gibt? Welche Möglichkeiten könnte es wohl geben,  die Verweildauer zu beeinflussen? Es scheint ja doch so zu sein,  dass die Aufrufe dramatisch nachlassen, wenn ein Foto nicht mehr gefeaturet wird. 




Connect Moderator

Betreff: Storefront Photography Series Index

Thanks, @IntranetMiRi


You could say that getting a high average viewcount is the extreme of gamification. But it is also an indicator of how well you can create photos that pleases the photo selection AI on Google Maps (= quality?). 


I have this obsession (if you will) to understand the photo selection AI as best as possible, and then the average viewcount is really helpful. But you certainly don't need to focus on the average number of views. Another strategy could be to get as many views as possible, or be as helpful as possible. 


I also see the views as an indicator of how helpful our photos are. If only few people see them, I guess the helpfulness is low. 


I do delete underperforming images soon after I upload them. If they don't get more than maybe 10-20 views. I then know something is wrong. And I will check if the upload failed, or if the image got hidden. If it is a good photo I delete it and then try to upload it again. It helps maybe 50% of the times. 


Regarding dwell time I can share an interesting observation. For a long time some of my images with many views were of cinemas. Exterior shots. But suddenly they all stopped performing. I then discovered that all cinemas had their cover photos changes from being an external shot to being from inside the cinema.


I don't know how long or short the average dwell time is. It can be several years. And sometimes a lot shorter. 




Level 9

Betreff: Storefront Photography Series Index

Hallo @MortenCopenhagen,


Danke für deine schnelle Antwort. Du gibst mir hier wieder gute Anregungen zum drüber Nachdenken. 


Ich bin ja erst seit gut einem halben Jahr als Guide aktiv und habe noch viel zu lernen. Für mich ist es sehr spannend, zu sehen,  wohin mich das führt. 


Ich bin recht ungeduldig als Fotograf (einschließlich der anschließenden Bildbearbeitung). Deine Tipps und Erfahrungen,  die du hier vermittelst, finde ich sehr wertvoll und hilfreich. 




Level 7

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

Hello @MortenCopenhagen 

 I wish to ask a question based on the photo below about a new spot in Buea Cameroon called Europa Chill, map link : EUROPA CHILL



  I uploaded a storefront photo I took earlier this week following your guidelines the best I could. Not long after, i received the above notification.

 Does that mean my photo has been chosen as a main photo on maps about the restaurant?


Connect Moderator

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

Great question, @Chelsey_99


Featured means your photos is among the 10 first images. This could be the cover photos. You just need to visit the place sheet and see if your image is #1 or #10 or somewhere in between.


Feel free to ask again should you need more help on this. 


I think you will like post 18 in this series where I will explain in more details how to check what # your images rank. It will be published in 3 weeks. 




Level 7

Re: Storefront Photography Series Index

Hello once more @MortenCopenhagen 

   I would be grateful if you analyse the B4 & AFTER editing i did in some photos i took recently to practice the few tips I have learnt from you.

1) Europa Chill Restaurant





.   Side shot:






2) Y Complex Supermarket  







 3)Mont Zion Pharmacy 








BTW, still not a Google one member, so i did editing with my phone editor🤗 and it was still fun.

 AFTER are what I just uploaded to Google Maps


Patiently waiting for your reviews & corrections on the photos 🙏