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Level 5

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

Will be careful next time. 🙂

Level 5

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

I often times get strange looks - like " he must really be bored" when I take photos of outside & inside stores. Once I was in an antique store and the owner asked me not to take photos, so I stopped. But when he asked why I was doing it and I explained it, he said "great, go ahead" 

Connect Moderator

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

Yo creo que el espíritu de un Local Guides es ser respetuoso con la propiedad privada, las fotos son lo que mejoran nuestros puntajes en Google Maps y en los Post de Google + son lo que casi justifica que realicemos un aporte en una Comunidad o en una Colección, sin ellas sería un Bloog de solo comentarios. A diferencia de Connect que es lo mejor de ambos mundos. Pero regresando al hilo de la conversación. El ser Local Guide es colaborar y comentar lo que ves y sientes en un lugar. Exploradores.

Former Google Contributor

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

You are not the first sharing that experience, @DavidOrr!


I guess that this may happen especially in situations where you are not a patron of the business. Because if you are having lunch there, for instance, almost everybody accept that people are going to take photos of everything 🙂 (unless you are David Chang, that is).


Local Guides Community Program Manager
Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. Thank you.
Level 7

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

wow, that looks inviting. the photograph contains lot of detail under soft light. 

Level 8

Re: Perks of Being a Local Guide

Great educational opportunity for others. We can always learn for others to improve our experiences.  Thanks for the input @LuisRG 🙂

Robby Sayles