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Level 10

POI (point of interest) get more points

What are your (POI) that you are adding to maps that other local guides may not know?

For me i add


Public toilets

Drinking fountains



Nature reserves 

Skateboarding parks

Basketball courts



Auckland, New Zealand
Level 7

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

i add tourist paths, cemetaries ...

Connect Moderator

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Interesting POI ideas @DshottDennis.  I also find hospitals, post offices, medical building (doctors offices), kid-friendly items (high chairs, diaper changing tables, etc.)  POI photos that can also differentiate you from other Local Guides.




Level 10

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

I don't tend to add playgrounds unless they're not part of an existing nature reserve or city/community park, but if it's just a random playground in a random spot that's unnamed and also doesn't have a proper name, I don't tend to add it. Skateboarding parks, basketball courts and nature reserves (named ones in particularly) are fun to add and should be useful to those sports enthusiasts and daredevils.


Toilets however are an issue, as discussed in my 'not applied' thread

@JeroenM wrote:
Please be aware that unless your public toilets have a name, they are not mappable. The only exceptions that I am aware of are public toilets in India, where Google is cooperating with the local government as there are hygiene issues related to people not using public toilets and public toilets on indoor maps. 

@Flash wrote:

What you were told was that public washrooms without a unique name shouldn't be on the map.  You have extrapolated that. I'll just mention that even if the city refers to a toilet as "Central Park Toilets", that is them using a descriptive name for their purposes and it still does not qualify to be on the map anymore than "Central Park Picnic Tables", "Central Park Playground", etc.

But yes, toilets and mailboxes are not to be mapped.

I previously mapped about 15 public toilets (e.g. Exeloo, around Sydney, but it looks like they're not allowed because we're either not working with the city council in collaboration with Google to list these? Googling these is incredibly useful, especially if you're on the run somewhere in the community and you really gotta go.

I would like some confirmation.

Level 9

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Hi @DshottDennis,

Its a nice topic about Point of interest as i think. I have add basically Shopping mall, Mosque and Restaurant in my visited place.

Its not easy to add a road crossing known as moor in Bangla.


It will be better for having a priority that which should add first ?


Thanks from Bangladesh.

Level 10

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Hi @ivomaryska 

Tourist paths thats a good one i will add those to my list.

The more we add the more points of interest we can help people.


In return we get more contribution points.

Level 7

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

I love to add like

  • Schools
  • Hospitals 
  • Parks
  • kids playgrounds
Level 10

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Hi @KarenVChin

Interesting list you have for your points of interest.

So you would add high chairs ..diapier changing tables.


I usally take photos of them or a video.

but never thought of adding them like retail stores,medical facilities,cafes etc..  which are the obvious and common points of interest.

Thanks for that insight.

Level 10

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Hi @Briggs 

The funny thing about the skateboard  basketball and playground it was by me accidentally see it on the map..not knowing you could add them on .. so i started adding them on and my editing and adding new places for points went up.

Then i saw a drinking fountain on the street and decided to add that and it was accepted.


It would be helpful if there was a list generated for us local guides.


As for toilets i agree with you to have them added on.

It was a hot topic of discussion on one of the posts a while back and the concensus was to add the toilets on the maps.

So i have been adding them on.

But now you mention the council and google have not come to some agreement.

Yes some confirmation stating the fact.


Level 10

Re: POI (point of interest) get more points

Hi @RonneBD

Yes a priority list to help.

A moor wow.

It is nice to know that you have moor where you live.