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Level 6

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hi everyone! I've been a Local Guide for a while now, but recently have become more active in my reviews as I've seen what a difference they've made in helping others! Here is some info about myself!


  1. Name: Felicia M.
  2. Location: Middletown, CT born and raised!
  3. Why I'm a Local Guide: I love having an outlet to help others. When I'm looking for somewhere to eat or visit while traveling, I tend to use others reviews to make an informed decision. I tend to have many opinions of my own, and my friends always tell me that I should be a food blogger! Since I have so much to say based on my own personal experience, I thought that becoming a Local Guide would be a fun easy way to be heard. I love trying new places, and I get so excited when I have a new experience that moves me enough to write about it! I’m very passionate about small business, and tend to frequent places that are "off the beaten path". If reviewing and supporting them helps them succeed, that is an amazing way to give back!  I also enjoy live music quite often, as well as art galleries, and hiking, and look forward to connecting others to some of the "hidden gems" I frequent!
  4. My favorite things to exploreI love food and tend to find unique and interesting cuisines wherever I am. I'm 100% Sicilian, so I'm usually very impressed by a good Italian restaurant. I also love to check out galleries, theatres, music events, casinos, and bars.
  5. My "Real Job" and my Hobbies: I work for GEMFormulas, a gemstone therapy institute, focused on holistic healing. I am able to travel with work which helps me share unique and interesting places as a Local Guide! In my spare time, I focus on expanding consciousness through meditation, music and art events. I curate these events with a team of amazing people in CT and surrounding areas, and I've been doing this for about 7 years now!

I'm looking forward to continuing my journey being a Local Guide and documenting my travels! Nice to meet you all!

Level 9

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018



Meu nome é Nicacio Sales, sou brasileiro e moro atualmente em Quixeramobim -CE.


O que amo nesse programa é a possibilidade de contribuir com informações que possam ser úteis para outras pessoas.


Gosto de fotografar prédios históricos mesmo que não sejam pontos turísticos, acredito que toda construção tem sua própria história e importância dentro de uma cidade. Paisagens em campo aberto também são bastante interessante, praias, ilhas, montanhas o interior do país tudo é colorido e estimulante.


Viajar é uma ferramenta para conhecer novos lugares, comidas típicas e pessoas, como o Brasil é um país de dimensões continentais isso é bastante agradável e estimulante.



Participar do programa como Local Guide é um hobby que realizo de forma abnegada, visto que quanto mais ensino mais aprendo sobre os lugares pessoas e culturas.




Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

@ayann Thanks.

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

@Yaid We would love to see your face. Why don't you upload a photo?

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

@Rezgar nice introduction...

Not applicable

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hi @Moadh_AYARI,

     A warm welcome to the LG Connect. Thanks for sharing the post. The Introduced was really good one.


Ravindranath Sawane

Not applicable

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hi @Charleybaits,

   I'm also loving to know about NJ.


Ravindranath Sawane

Not applicable

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hi @LucioV,

   Nice to meet you again.hope a nice and great month with a lot of contribution


Ravindranath Sawane

Not applicable

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hi @JeanRV,

    Your doing amazing man at level 10. Hope to get a xhchan for xonnCon Live 2018.


Ravindranath Sawane

Not applicable

Re: Introduce Yourself - May 2018

Hey @Mukroni,

     A warm welcome to the LG Connect in the month of May. Have a good month with a lot of Contribution.


Ravindranath Sawane