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Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?


Level 8

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

I see your point, but I just don't think an anonymous review is the solution. It seems to me that the problem isn't that a reviewer's name appears next to their review, the problem is with business owners crossing a line. Therefore it seems like the solution would be better/clearer/stronger consequences for business that behave inappropriately towards Local Guides (or any reviewer).

Making a review anonymous seems like a workaround, not a solution to the actual problem.

Level 8

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

I understand your point dude, but I'm not afraid being attacked or targeted by the owner for bad review.

I was born and live in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
Former Google Contributor

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

@FelixFelicis ah yes, the anonymous vs real name debate. Its something we have here inside Google frequently as well. Both options allow for abuse unfortunately. While there is never a perfect solution for everyone, studies have shown that people have higher trust in online reviews that are tied to a real person vs "anonymous" or even a vague username and that people tend to be more fair and accurate when comments/reviews are coming from their real account. Yes, people can create fake accounts (and we hunt down spammers who set up networks of fake accounts every day) or even simply change the name displayed on their Google account. 


A little off-topic, but you can learn more about steps you can take to be safe on the Internet by visiting the Google Safety Center.

Level 7

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

Being public like taking a trip to Best buy or simply making a throw away email, things such as algorithms, and cypherpunks, hellboundhackers.org, hackthissite will offer you a starting point. 

Level 7

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

I think he is a very very long way from what he thinks he's asking for. I think he needs to re word his question over and over again until he starts to learn how things work.

Level 2

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

Actually... your ANSWER was STRANGE AND RUDE! You responded as if no one want to know how to leave an anonymous review. For example my sons preschool... I would definetly not want to leave a review with any sort of negativity for fear that it would come back on my child not to mention it would create a very uncomfortable situation. IMO 

Level 3

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

It's unfortunate but you can't leave anonymous reviews. This is why I no longer leave reviews (99% positive reviews mind you). I don't want my full name and profile publicly visible at every business I've been to for the world to see. I have a lot of great things to say about many small businesses. Oh well. I don't need a long trail of public reviews and comments for someone to pilfer through for whatever reason. Dox and identity protection.

Former Google Contributor

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

Hey @somerandomperson,


This is a longstanding debate and it doesn't look like much will change with regard to posting reviews anonymously. We're sorry if this in any way deters you from submitting your honest reviews. Still, you can refer to this post which may further explain the situation from our standpoint. 

If ever things change, we'll let you know. For now, keep contributing and putting your best foot forward.

Level 4

Re: How do I post Anonymous Reviews?

I totally agree...I study in an institution and it is so bad..if ppl come to know that I posted a negative review I'd be in trouble

Google should realize if they need accurate feedback from local guides...