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Level 8

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Hi..we never faced such situation... it is a service...if it doesnt suit...leave it

Level 8

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

@DanielPetrov I edited the link to Sofia. It's a short article I wrote for "Travel and advice"  category here. I'm always taking the chance to add some positive vibes and useful travel advice about Bulgaria to evidence Google Maps features, especially when there were not any fellow Bulgarians active until now. Glad you sparkled an interest! I'll gladly join a Sofia meet up!

Sorry for adding a wrong link while I've been giving help answers in Google forums. You can check iLoveBulgaria link, it's not working.


On topic. Google Contributors, including Local Guides and evangelists of Google technology products and tools and best user experience online. My advice is to start from clear communication, explain the role, help people who ask and need our support and ignore (block, leave alone) people who abuse and sabotage the system. Technology implementation is gradually transforming people's thinking and behaviour yet it takes time. 


Local Guides Connect is a great platform and here is to the fun: my homemade yogurt and delicious banitsa I prepare for our family gatherings on Sundays and a small basket of healthy Bulgarian vegetables for the shopska salad from my hobby garden ( last year harvest... looking forward to the new one).Bulgarian  homemade yogurtBulgarian homemade yogurtHealthy Bulgarian vegetablesHealthy Bulgarian vegetables

Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Hi @SubasC

Thank you for your reply!

May be you right but is matter of what you want to do and why somebody can react like that...

Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

 Wow @NinCo

Thanks for info that that IloveBulgaria link didn't work i try to fix it and test is fine now. Don't know why open link to local guides page, when i put correct url - https://ilovebulgaria.eu/  from Google. Here there is not much about Sofia and your post Sofia City Sound Logo: Bagpipe is not bad, congrats for what you make and show NDK with EU logo's and etc. good job! I accept your advice I think you understand me what I'm talking about if you live long enough in Bulgarian capital.  About Sofia meet ups I never been on any one and hope some day we organize one. 

Your Banitsa looks Great !!! Wish to get one bite 🙂 


Level 8

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

@DanielPetrov  Thank you for sharing "I love Bulgaria"! It's beautifully designed and very helpful app. I haven't used it so far but I'll definitely check and recommend it.

Thank you for kind compliments:) There hasn't been any Sofia meet up so far or at least it hasn't been made part of Local Guides Connect. I'll prepare banitsa when we meet, promised. About your question: I know what you mean. I never quit Bulgaria.  A lot changed in our country for the better for things we couldn't even imagine. 

Let's keep creating and contributing for the best practices online, including Google Maps and Local Guides. Have a nice weekend!


Level 8

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?


This problem arises some time. At that moment, it is better to clarify that photos are taken for uploading on Google map and for helping people in general. In spite of this, if someone opposes to take photos of their shops or premises, it is wise to not take photos of the same.


Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Hi @Kaushalendra

Thank to replay of this topic. Yes is a solution that what you share.

Keep good and be safe!

Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Dear @DanielPetrov

I think you are very wise man so that you can escape from danger, i am also faced several bad situation.

Thank you for share with us such experience,

Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Hey @Golam

Thank you for reply. I share this because I think this very important issue and contributes how are affected of this kind of situations can shared here with other to prevent ppl from bad experience like I have and like I see like you have.

Why you don't share what was your bad situation and what happens, how you react and give some advice?

Have great time and be safe! 

Level 10

Re: How dangerous it is to contribute to Google maps?

Dear @DanielPetrov

Actually many Bad situation i faced, one of them when i tried to captured a Photo one Arabic (Qatari) came and caught me, he thought i am a Spy, He checked my cell phone and asked me why you take those photos?

i was so afraid and speechless, i could not answer anymore he told me delete all of photos and i deleted all of photos and he also warn me if you do again such activities i will handover you to police. than i replied positively and left that place. really i was so scared because police cache me it might be a big problem for me,
