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Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

A man-made structure that appears in both the history and geography books is the iconic Hoover Dam in the US.
I visited here in June 2023.
Traveling with SweetTours, their day tour bus picked me up from the valet parking of Mandalay Bay hotel.

They also gave us light snacks since there is plenty of walking and climbing stairs in the Hoover Dam.

On the way we also stopped at a restroom that was accessible.
Within an hour we arrived at the lavish Visitor Center of the Hoover Dam.
Inside the visitor center is a waiting area and way to viewpoints.

The inset shows that the Hoover Dam was named in honor of Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st president of America.
This is the first breathtakingly amazing view of the spillway of the Hoover Dam.
Looking a little up shows the newly constructed bridge that carries the national highway also called the Interstate in the US.
On looking a little further and down the power generator station can be seen.
This photo is taken from the most viewed point of the Hoover Dam looking straight down.
The Hoover Dam spans the Colorado River which is the boundary between Nevada and Arizona states of the US.
On one side of the dam is a tower clock that shows Arizona time.
This is a deep blue water of the Hoover Dam's reservoir, looking at which I felt like one big eye.
This view is captivating. I stood there for a long time.
Walking over to the side of the dam we enter Nevada where a tower clock shows Nevada time.
This is the majestic view of the Hoover Dam from the Nevada side.
On the way back one can see a monument called 'The Winged Figures of the Republic'.
Back to the visitor center is a souvenir shop and also a cafe.
Other attractions near the cafe are a gigantic cooling station that blows cool air and also an accessible sit out area with a neat ramp.
When visiting the Hoover Dam, one can't miss the wonderful sculpture of a worker who helped build this humungous structure.
On way back to Las Vegas, the tour bus stopped at a viewpoint that had plenty of nicely done car parking.
From here one can view the sprawling backwaters of the Hoover Dam also called Lake Meadows.
There is boating facility in the lake, but I did not go there.
Besides this there is also a museum, and the Power Generator Room tour that are included in the ticket for the Hoover Dam.
The ticket price was USD 15.
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Level 9

Betreff: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence


Sie haben mit diesem Beitrag sowie Fotos schöne Erinnerungen wachgerufen. Dort bin ich auch schon gewesen und habe mir dieses imposante Bauwerk angesehen.

Level 8

Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Wonderful post dear moderator @Tushar_Suradkar as engineer you very much enjoy this site seeing & feel excitement about engineering skill work it. just my thought , BTW pic no.six like we bhartiya engineer also have build J&K ( Bharat)  chinab river rail bridge.



Level 10

Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Hi @Tushar_Suradkar maybe there is a secret lab with Transformers under the Hoover Damn.

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Betreff: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Thank You @Annaelisa 

It always feels nice to recollect memories from the past 😊

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Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Completely agree dear @ShailendraOjha 

We are where the US was 100 years ago, not bad but we are on the right track 👍

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Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Haha 😁 nice pun!

And I hope to show the transformers ripped open in the next episode of the post.

Level 9

Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

A great post on one of the iconic landmark of the world, @Tushar_Suradkar !


Thanks for sharing with us.




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Re: Hoover Dam - Where History Meets Engineering Excellence

Thanks for the appreciation dear @ajitthite 

I feel encouraged 👍