Hi all,
I’ve just got myself a Xiaomi mi Mijia 360.
Who else has one? What’s your workflow to upload to Street View?
I haven’t really figured it out yet.
Any assistance would be greatly received.
Hi all,
I’ve just got myself a Xiaomi mi Mijia 360.
Who else has one? What’s your workflow to upload to Street View?
I haven’t really figured it out yet.
Any assistance would be greatly received.
if you are shooting indoors, then no need GPS or geo-tagging, just use the camera and shoot photos
if you are shooting outdoors, then turn on GPS on phone, connect the phone to the camera wifi and turn on geo-tagging in the MiSphere app, and just shoot photos.
Import all the photos into the phone via the MiSphere app, so all the photos get stitched via the app, or, if you choose in-camera stitching, you could just copy it manually without reimporting. but just to reduce confusion, just use the MiSphere camera app to download the photos.
All the photos will go into a folder in your phone, believe it’s called MadV360
Go to Street View app,
go to Private tab. Hit the (+) camera button on the lower right and say “Import 360 photos”, for stability sake of the Street View app, i suggest to import 10 at a time. Because the 23.8 MP photos are quite large and some phones cannot handle too many at a same time.
once imported, Add a Maps listing of the location of the place in Google Maps, then select all the photos and hit “Publish all”.
before that, you may want to blur the faces if need be.
Hope it helps!!
Just tagging: @LucioV , @Haseeb , @ibnAmeer , @Sariga , @Hyderali , if the videos above are useful for explaining about non-SV certified cameras with SV app, feel free to share the embed code in messages as needed.
Brilliant, thank you @StephenAbraham for the incredibly detailed explanation. I had sort of worked this workflow out, I was hoping to see if there was an easier way. I’m used to shooting with the Samsung Gear 360 camera which links directly to the Street view app.
I do however, prefer the amount of control that I can get from the app on the Mijia 360, So I guess I will stick with the slightly more complicated workflow.
@StevenVacher the MiSphere camera is a little more finicky with GPS and it’s best to shoot with the app if you want reliable GPS tagging. A few times I had linked the camera to phone/gps and having the phone in hand, was shooting with the camera selfie stick, and many photos were not tagged at all, somehow loses connection or something… so, nowadays if I am doing outdoor, i will use the phone app to do the shooting with GPS… which makes the camera burn really hot. Sigh.
And, best not to use in-camera stitching, it burns through battery and gave me some problems with the picture quality when continuously walking and shooting 6 seconds per photo.
Love my MiSphere to bits… really.
Have a look at my 360 walking tours… camera used in description, some of the videos are on Samsung https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZrwYVAQZPLTFZYrg0NXKfQ/videos
Have fun,
Thanks for your useful tips…can we upload video like this…
Hi! I just see your message after i buy my new Xiaomi Mi Sphere. Could you a bit explain about “best not to use in-camera stitching, it burns through battery and gave me some problems with the picture quality when continuously walking and shooting 6 seconds per photo.”
By the way, does it has function Auto shoot while i walk? Like Time-lapse, but no video creation, only set of Photos. Does it has?
Yes, it has time-lapse
It’s called interval shooting by them.
No video creation, just pics
When I first started using the Mi Sphere, google maps accepted all of the images posted. Then, all of a sudden only about 1 in 5 get posted. To be clear, all are posted to my account but only 1 in 5 are public. Has anyone else had this problem?
Can we are using GoPro Fusion to post Youtube 360?