Wildlife and birds around New Zealand

One of the good things staying in New Zealand is the chance to get up closed with some animals. Like humans, animals, wildlife, birds and aquatic creatures are well protected. If you are caught for taking fish that is under the law allowed (such as smaller size that stated in the law), you will be deported back to where you came from. It is serious! More than protected, they also take care of the animals or birds very well. On some roads, the road signs say: Duck crossing, Penguin crossing. It may sound funny, but it is actually true!

  • FYI, New Zealand has no tigers or snakes (both venomous and non venomous, so it is very safe to walk in the bush)
  • New Zealand has some unique birds and animals that exist nowhere else. Check this list. for animals availed in New Zealand. Most of them are easy to spot, not shy to humans

Farm animals: horse, milk cow and deers

  • Did you know that the number of sheep raising in New Zealand are about 26.20 million (2020), greater than 5 times more than the total population of this country. They are raised throughout of the country, north island, south island you will see them a lot along the way!
  • Horses, I saw them at Castle Point but they are mostly raised countrywide.
  • Deer’s are raised for its meats [legal]
  • Milk cows are for milk, supply the market country wide. The main market for New Zealand milk is China. Some farms belongs to Chinese businessmen.

Zoo & park’ animals:

  • Giraffes, Wallabies, Sun bears, Pandas, Pelicans, you don’t need to go far from Wellington city, they are in the Wellington Zoo. I think most of them are from elsewhere, not native to NZ. Taking sun bears are example, they are gifted from Australia but natively they are from Cambodia’s Tamao wildlife rescue centre. Wallaby is a smaller version of Kangaroo.
  • Kiwi, you would also see them at Wellington Zoo, besides, they are many more Kiwi centres around New Zealand where you can see them.
  • Some other birds can be found in Zealandia such as Takahe.

Wild animals

  • The world’s only alpine parrot, the Kea - saw them on the road to Milford sounds, but they love to live in the bush.
  • Tui can be found throughout New Zealand, especially near flowering trees with sweet nectar. A link to Native birds of New Zealand gallery can be found here. There are about 200 species of native birds around New Zealand.
  • Seagulls are seen everywhere, especially at waterfront or the beaches
  • Whales watching is famous in Kaikoura (South Island) but I had no chances to see them.
  • Kakapo, tuatara & kiwi are national icon of New Zealand.
  • Seals - these lovely guys, I saw them at Milford sounds but they are just everywhere around the country. I saw them around Wellington too. Cape Palliser and Kaikoura is quite famous for these.
  • Penguins - famous spot for these lovely creatures are at Stewart island. I haven’t got a chance to see them. There are 3 main species penguins native to New Zealand: Yellow eyed penguins, Blue penguins and Fiordland crested penguins.

I would like to share some photos of some animals or birds I have met during my stay in NZ. It is also pretty easy to spot those birds/animals, you just go outside of the city a bit, and you might see the crowd of those animals.

P.S. A list of where to see these lovely creatures, can be found here.

Black sheep spotted in Lavender Creek Farm in Wellington

Closed up photo of sheep in Lavender creek farm in Wellington

Beautiful sheep

Saw them on the way in South Island

Hello there!

Seagull in Water front of Wellington

Horses I saw in Castle Point. They are really big guys and when I called them to come over, they come closed to me. I was so delighted.

Photos of me and those lovely horses and sheep.

Takahe in Zealandia

Giraffe in Wellington Zoo

Kea - not shy with people

A beautiful Kea along the way to Milford sounds

Seals played at Milford sounds

All of photos were taken by Canon 700D, with 135mm lens

This article was inspired by @TravellerG who posted a series of birds/animals


@renata1 and @CAAG1959 what do you think of these animals, have you seen them before?


Hola @Sophia_Cambodia como siempre, impecable publicaciĂłn. Imagino que toda NZ debe ser un gran zoolĂłgico. Admiro las autoridades que dictan leyes severas para la protecciĂłn de su fauna y flora.

Saludos desde Uruguay.


Nice photo tnx for share :smiling_face: :pray:t2: @Sophia_Cambodia


Alguno conocĂ­a @Sophia_Cambodia por fotografĂ­as. Pero el Tui, el Tahake no los conocĂ­a y del ave llamada Kiwi, googleando propiedades de la fruta, supe de su existencia. Imagino que la variedad de flora y fauna debe ser inmensa en ese PaĂ­s.

Saludos desde Uruguay

:uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:


Nice post with excellent photographs…

Thanks for mentioning me in your post…

Also I am happy that you liked my wildlife / birds posts.

The sea Seagull is captured very well - Canon 700D has done full justice in all the shots.

The facts and figures you have mentioned I are very amazing …

thanks for sharing… Dear @Sophia_Cambodia

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Thank you dear for dropping by my post @Gezendunyali


Thank you @TravellerG I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Sadly, the camera dropped in the water and I had to sell it. The later one,1200D is not a good quality. I miss those great moment in NZ.

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Thank you for your praise @CAAG1959 glad you enjoyed my post. These birds names sounds new to me. Some are unique to New Zealand only.


Hello @Sophia_Cambodia I am also a pet lover and happy to see your post over it :blush: .

All the pictures look so beautiful thanks for sharing.


Thank you dear @Saddam_1 they are beautiful animals.

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Draga @Sophia_Cambodia hvala na oznaÄŤavanju.

Jako volim životinje…

Žirafe, konji, galebovi su mi poznati, samo ove ptice su mi nepoznate.

Vidjela sam crnu ovcu ovdje u Hrvatskoj.

Svako stado ima barem jednu :grin:

Pojam “crna ovca” ovdje se upotrebljava za onu osobu koja je malo drugačija od drugih, možda problematična, malo čudna, osebujna.

Baš ono drugačija od svih ostalih.

Pozdrav, Renata

:blush: :croatia:

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Hahaha, I see @renata1 thank you for sharing. I heard about the Black sheep but in Cambodia I have never seen sheep only knew they are raised near Phnom Penh.