Which places shouldn't you miss in BARCELONA?

---------------------------ENGLISH VERSION BELOW---------------------------

Hola Local Guides de todo el mundo. Espero que estén teniendo un hermoso día :slight_smile:

Esta vez les escribo para pedirles consejos… Yo sé que me pueden ayudar!

El tema es que estamos planeando un viaje a Barcelona, España con @santiagoirale para los últimos días de abril. Vamos a estar sólo unos pocos días, así que nos gustaría pedir la ayuda de todos así sabemos dónde ir.

No queremos perdernos de ningún lugar importante! Si alguna vez fuiste o vivís en Barcelona, por favor contanos sobre tu experiencia! Queremos saber dónde comer, sacar buenas fotos, tener buenas vistas, salir a caminar… Cada dato que puedan darnos va a ser útil!

Además… si saben de algún meet up… nos encantaría asistir a alguno ahí :slight_smile:

Espero sus respuestas, aprecio y agradezco muchísimo su ayuda!

Saludos desde Buenos Aires :slight_smile:



Hi wonderful Local Guides from all around the world. I hope you are having a nice day :slight_smile:

This time I’m writing to ask for some advice. I know you can help me!

The thing is, we are planning to travel to Barcelona, Spain with @santiagoirale in the last days of April. It will be just a few days, so we would like to ask everyone’s help so we know where to go.

We don’t want to miss any important place! If you’ve ever been to or live in Barcelona, please tell us about your experience. We want to know about where to eat, take good photos, have a good sight, go on a walk… Every piece of information you can give us will be useful!

Also, if you know about any meet ups… we would love to attend one there :slight_smile:

I will be waiting for your responses, I appreciate and thank in advance very much your help!

Regards from Buenos Aires :slight_smile:


Really any good tip on where to eat or maybe a cool hack for the city would be great!!

We look forward to your answers =)



I just visited Mobile World Congress this year but after 1st day i came back so much rush in this week because of that MWC


Thanks for your answer @ayann ! I imagine the city must be very crowded because of that great event, it’s really cool that you could go there :slight_smile:

ayann ha escrito:


I just visited Mobile world Congress this year but after 1st day i came back so much rush in this week because of that MWC

It will be best that you can search some blogs on YouTube the best way to know and plan


Hey @ValeriaA and @santiagoirale ,

The Google crew will help you out with this as well :slight_smile:

There is a great map that @LuisRG created for Barcelona, its located here.

@LuisRG Can you help us out here with some great tips?

Muchas Gracias!




I just learnt hello = hola​:joy::joy:


Ohhh @GeorgesHR this is awesome! Thank you very much for sharing it with us, I will check it immediately :slight_smile: It will be very helpful for us @santiagoirale

GeorgesHR ha escrito:

Hey @ValeriaAumasque and @santiagoirale,

The Google crew will help you out with this as well :slight_smile:

There is a great map that @LuisRG created for Barcelona, its located here.

@LuisRG Can you help us out here with some great tips?

Muchas Gracias!



Well you can learn something new everyday in Connect @ayann !

Saludos! (=Regards!)

ayann ha escrito:


I just learnt hello = hola​:joy::joy:


I have to say you must go to the Sagrada Familia Basilica. It is like nothing you have every seen before. I have a blog post that you can read about it. https://www.downshiftingpro.com/spectacular-trip-to-the-sagrada-familia/. I would also say you can take a cooking class. That was my favourite activity because the chef taught us to make traditional Spanish dishes AND he took us to a market and gave us the lowdown on what is good to purchase locally. https://www.downshiftingpro.com/full-food-experience-try-a-cooking-class-barcelona-spain-with-bcnkitchen-tbex-sharebarcelona/

Hope this helps. I just loved Barcelona. Enjoy it!


Waiting to see your photos and fun guuuys @ValeriaA @santiagoirale :grin::grin::grin:

Good luck :-)))):grin::tada::grin::tada:


Hi @ValeriaA ,

So you are going to visit Spain :clap::clap::clap:

I have been serveral times in Barcelona and I will go again this Summer :slight_smile: A pity we are not going to be in the same dates…

The best ones that can help you are @CesarParga and @AnnaBcn , they hosted a World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up in Barcelona :)))

Igual hasta podéis organizar una quedada…

Buenas Noches desde el Sur de España.



Buenas, podeis contar conmigo @ValeriaA @santiagoirale, existe la opción de crear una lista en Maps y ir mirando con detalle cada lugar, también es importante la llegada a los aeropuertos y la salida, si tenéis alguna duda importa me la podéis hacer por privado. :+1: Seguramente estaré casi todo el mes de abril por la ciudad podemos organizar un pequeña quedada.

@ayann hoy voy a la zona de plaza de España y mañana desde las 9 estaré por la fira MWC.



All the best for mwc


Hola @ValeriaA y @santiagoirale ! Les paso un mapa que tengo hecho con lugares para visitar en Barcelona. Aún lo tengo en construcción pero al menos los principales sitios están. Igualmente yo también estaré en Barcelona en abril así que no duden en mandarme privado si necesitan consejo o incluso dar un paseo :slight_smile:


Espero que les sea de utilidad!

Un abrazo



Thanks for linking the map, @GeorgesHR !

The map contains the most popular places in Barcelona, so it’s a great tool to start planning your visit. Of course, there are many more places to visit, to eat, etc, but we needed to put a limit on the number of places per category.

@ValeriaA please take a look and if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them :slight_smile:




Hi @DownshiftingPRO , thank you very much for your advice! A cooking class would be a really fun experience. We will visit the Sagrada Familia as well :slight_smile:

DownshiftingPRO ha escrito:

I have to say you must go to the Sagrada Familia Basilica. It is like nothing you have every seen before. I have a blog post that you can read about it. https://www.downshiftingpro.com/spectacular-trip-to-the-sagrada-familia/. I would also say you can take a cooking class. That was my favourite activity because the chef taught us to make traditional Spanish dishes AND he took us to a market and gave us the lowdown on what is good to purchase locally. https://www.downshiftingpro.com/full-food-experience-try-a-cooking-class-barcelona-spain-with-bcnkitchen-tbex-sharebarcelona/

Hope this helps. I just loved Barcelona. Enjoy it!

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Thanks @OSAMA ! We will share lots of pictures for sure :slight_smile:

OSAMA ha escrito:

Waiting to see your photos and fun guuuys @ValeriaAumasque @santiagoirale :grin::grin::grin:

Good luck :-)))):grin::tada::grin::tada:

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Gracias @AlejandraMaria ! It’s great that you are visiting Barcelona too :slight_smile: I’ve never been there so it will be an awesome experience.

Saludos desde Buenos Aires :slight_smile:

AlejandraMaría ha escrito:

Hi @ValeriaAumasque,

So you are going to visit Spain :clap::clap::clap:

I have been serveral times in Barcelona and I will go again this Summer :slight_smile: A pity we are not going to be in the same dates…

The best ones that can help you are @CésarParga and @AnnaBcn, they hosted a World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up in Barcelona :)))

Igual hasta podéis organizar una quedada…

Buenas Noches desde el Sur de España.


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Hola @CesarParga ! Genial! Seguramente te contacte en breve para sacarme dudas :slight_smile:

Me gusta la idea de la pequeña quedada también! Démosle marcha :smiley:

CésarParga ha escrito:

Buenas, podeis contar conmigo @ValeriaAumasque @santiagoirale, existe la opción de crear una lista en Maps y ir mirando con detalle cada lugar, también es importante la llegada a los aeropuertos y la salida, si tenéis alguna duda importa me la podéis hacer por privado. :+1: Seguramente estaré casi todo el mes de abril por la ciudad podemos organizar un pequeña quedada.

@ayann hoy voy a la zona de plaza de España y mañana desde las 9 estaré por la fira MWC.


Hola @AnnaBcn ! Muchas gracias por compartir el mapa con nosotros. Seguramente te puedes sumar a la pequeña quedada que sugirió @CesarParga :slight_smile:

AnnaBcn ha escrito:

Hola @ValeriaAumasque y @santiagoirale! Les paso un mapa que tengo hecho con lugares para visitar en Barcelona. Aún lo tengo en construcción pero al menos los principales sitios están. Igualmente yo también estaré en Barcelona en abril así que no duden en mandarme privado si necesitan consejo o incluso dar un paseo :slight_smile:


Espero que les sea de utilidad!

Un abrazo
