Which is the most Exotic meal you have eaten while travelling?

When travelling, you are exposed to different cultures, traditions and different ways to make things, and this can be observed specially in food.

I remember when travelling in the Amazonian jungle in Venezuela, I had to eat monkey soup, snake soup and Iguana.

And despite I could not htink to do it here at the urban jungle, at that moment I had to accept for two reasons, first, Amazonian indians would get insulted if I refused their food, and second, I was so hungry that believe me, everything was so tasty.

In Spain, we eat a lot of Octopus and sea food, which some people could find repulsive.

In France I have eaten frog legs, also in China. I have eaten snails in France, they call them “scargots”

In Mexico I have eaten bugs, Gusanos de Maguey (maguey worms).

In Thailand, fried crickets…

Century egg in Hong Kong…

Heart is South America…

And I could continue the list… Some things I have enjoyed, some don’t… but I would like to read about your own experience, or feel free to ask more about my own experiences… it will be fun, and we will learn about other cultures.

No matter how strange, exotic, weird or bizarre, just share it with us, we won’t judge!

Hugs, Johnny

Google Citizen of the World


@Johnny11 Crocodile burger in Vietnam and Cobra wine just gave it a try.

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@desi1 that sounds exciting, did you have to hunt the animals yourself?

Now that you talked about burgers, I have eaten camel burger in Dubai and ostrich burger in Australia, and both were amazing…

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Wee need to ask @mjohn1979 how he prepared his exotic dish…

Hi @Johnny11 , you sure have eaten all sorts of things! I’ve also done my best to eat local food on my latest trips, but I admit I would probably never consider eating bugs.

I think the most exotic thing I have tried during a trip is an endive with ham and cheese, it’s a traditional Belgian dish which main ingredient is a flower, it tasted similar to a lasagna and I wouldn’t mind having it again.

By the way, do you remember in which restaurant did you try the heart? It looks good :slight_smile: I’m hoping it is in Buenos Aires.

Maybe @FaridTDF tried some interesting exotic dishes in his travels

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Hello @Johnny11

I have s great expierence in this topic.

Some years ago I lived in one exotic and beautiful country.

I tasted different kind of meat,but meat of wild animals I refused to eat.

I think it is cruel towards to animals.

I know that some people in South -East countries eat snakes,dogs(!),

Tortoises,frog’s legs,monkeys.

I tasted only frog’s legs.They are the same as chicken legs.

I tasted soup from shark.

People always are shoosy in their tastes.

But we must remember,that somebody’s life was killed.

Let exotic animals live in the seas and oceans, meadows and fields.,big woods and jungle.




@Jesi It wasn’t a restaurant where I ate heart, it was at my friends house, something like the next video:

But at home, I prepare it more like this:

I have lived in Belgium, and Endives are nice… Did you know in Belgium horse meat is very popular? and horse milk has recovery properties!. Strong as a horse, they say!

In England I have eaten courgette(zucchini) fried flowers, very nice

But here in England they get very upset when I tell them we eat a lot of rabbits in Spain… each culture is different.

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@Johnny11 Oh, it’s a shame that it wasn’t from a restaurant, I would have loved to visit it.

I didn’t know about the horse meat was so popular there, all I knew was about the chocolate, waffles and fries and during my trip I found out about the endives, croquettes, and mussels. Thank you for the info on the horse meat, and milk, I didn’t know about its properties either. The fried zuccini flowers look very good too.

I understand how someone wouldn’t want to eat rabbit meat, some people have them as pets! I personally think I would eat horse and rabbit meat, maybe with some hesitation, but if I had spent more time with those sort of animals I most likely wouldn’t want to eat them at all.

Thank you for all the info, you certainly have a lot of interesting things to share having lived all over the world as it seems :slight_smile:

PS: I see you took the heart meat photo and others from videos and websites, remember the original content guidelines, I strongly suggest you delete them or replace them for others you have permission to share so your post isn’t taken down by a moderator.

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Estuve en algunos lugares, pero lo Ăşnico Ă©xito que comĂ­ es milanesas de carne de guanaco @Jesi El pulpo me parece muy sabroso es uno de mis platos preferidos que pruebo, en cualquier lugar que estoy @Johnny11 .

Saludos Farid.


@Jesi , thanks for the advice, I thought the original content was only about the writing bit. I’m sending emails to the owners right now to ask their direct permission and post the authorization mails under the pics!

If not, I will have to cook them soon! LOL

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I like Octopus too

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@helga19 , I’m agree with you… I don’t eat things that are on risk of extinction, like when I was in Venezuela, I was offered to eat Sea Turtle eggs, which I know they don’t are easy to breed… I refused and I explained to the people why… I could see the remorse on their faces… I don’t eat anything that has classified as illegal to hunt, or hunted out of season.

And to be honest, i could become vegetarian if I have to hunt the animal myself… bit hypocrite, because I eat meat, but I could never kill an animal. These days I eat meat once a week, once or twice a week chicken, 3 or 4 times a week fish and the rest is veggies…

I’m trying to reduce my impact in the ambient… consuming less meat, growing and harvesting my own veggies at home, or buying local. I’m looking forward to adopt two hens to have fresh eggs. I do my own compost with the leftovers. When moved to Cornwall, we looked for a house with solar panels (I’m amazed how my utility bills went down). I have an hybrid car and soon changing to fully electric.

Thank you for your advice @helga19

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dear @Johnny11 thank you for your comment.

I totaly agree with you ,I think the same way!

I eat meat very seldom ,only fish,fruit and vegetables.

I actually do not understand people who like to eat exotic dish of wild animals.,and those people who hunt and kill wild animals.

They must be under our protection!!!

Wild and exotic animals and birds must live in the nature ,but not to be food or dish on our table!

It is my opinion.

As for the solar panels-I am only for this kind of use electricity,use wherever as possible.

Thank you so much for you reply.

My best wishes,



When I was far above the Arctic in Greenland last year I took photos of but just could not bring myself to eat Dolphin and Pilot Whale however the locals love both!!!

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@Toby_HK , how do u cook the octopus in Hong Kong?