What is the Red Cord for in a Bathroom or Toilet?

Have you ever walked into a toilet and seen a red cord hanging from the ceiling? Where you tempted to pull it? Well stop right there and think before you do!

This thin rope is known as an emergency red cord and used as a safety net for people who are prone to falling (i.e. those in wheelchair who are moving from the chair to the toilet seat that may lose their balance). You will most often seen them in accessible toilets. Emergency cord must be positioned where it can be accessed from the floor. A cord that is tied up too high will be ineffective for the cause.

I visited Protea Hotel in Owerri, Nigeria over the weekend and was impressed that the hotel had a separate accessible toilet. My curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to see what was inside. I was impressed at the progressiveness of the hotel to say the least. Next time you see one of these cords, do not play with or remove it!

Have you had any experience with emergency red cords? Let’s hear it!


@ChinonsoOnukwugha I haven’t seen any cord like that before. It’s good to know that it is the emergency cord. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us.


Yes I have to say that like @Ant_Bad_Yogi I’ve never ever seen a red cord hanging from any bathroom or toilet ceiling @ChinonsoOnukwugha , interesting idea!


You’re welcome @Ant_Bad_Yogi , and thank you @AdamGT !


Hi @ChinonsoOnukwugha

That is really practical and important. I’ve never known about this kind of facility to disable people ! . Well, it’s a wise and genius from who came up with this kind of help as it is not exist in many countries.

Thanks for this post , I really loved it and got a new knowledge.

Greetings from Amman Jordan

I’m glad that your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to check out what was inside that accessible toilet @ChinonsoOnukwugha , because now that you’ve written this post, I know what those red cords hanging from the toilet ceilings are for!

Thank you @OSAMA_1 ! I agree. I had to do some research to learn more about this and was intrigued as well!

Glad you enjoyed this post.

@AdamGT aha yes, that’s great! That’s a part of what we’re here for ~ to help others discover new things. :slightly_smiling_face:

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