What is the most interesting thing you've done as a Local Guide? Road trip in Iceland.

A view of the Kirkjufell mountain

Exactly two years ago today I was almost in the middle of my most remembered adventure.Having grown up in a small island, I remember always wanting to go out and see the world. For me that is all in being a local guide, travel and inspire others to follow on your footsteps, whether those are countries you have visited or restaurants you have eaten in.

Everything began when a group of six friends began from Greece to visit this amazing place. Luck was not on our side at first as our luggage did not arrive the same day as we did, but we were so eager to visit the blue lagoon that nothing would stand in our way. Thankfully everyone had their swimming suit on the backback and we got to enjoy that amazing experience.

Blue Lagoon

Next morning after trying to figure out where our luggage where, without much luck, we decided to leave it to fate and begin our journey as planned, hopped into our rent car and began the roadtrip of a lifetime. I will let the pictures speak of the beauty we encountered.






Diamond Beach


Skarðás Country Cabins


And yeah (!), as you can see luck may not have been with us all along but when we needed it the most it appeared in the sky in the form of aurora borealis, a spectacle which I hope everyone gets to see at least once in their lifetime. It was totally worth the wait in the snow and I am really thankful to have witnessed something like that.

Most of the photos provide links to the associated places if someone wants to follow our route I would be more than happy to provide extra details.


Amazing photo :heart_eyes: Thank you @elenafion for sharing this photo with us.


Hi @elenafion ,

You are maybe writing to apply or already applied for Connect Live 2020. If you’re applying to Connect Live make sure your Connect post is responding to this year’s application prompts.

P.S. I am going to relocate your post to the Local Stories section, where the Local Guides share inspiring stories about why they like to be Local Guides and how they contribute to Google Maps.

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Thank you very much @KatyaL for your comment and guidance. I was under the impression that the post for the Connect Live should cover the prompt in a more broad sense, I will create a new more specific one for the application. Thanks again!