What I like sharing most on Google maps, I Bob

It is a good point the interest i show in this marvelous work and a wonder! On google maps I like sharing important and vital information. What interest people’s security and well being are in the center of my activity. Places of reknown, history significant places and business buildings and zones also are points of my focus!

I like posting pictures of the places as described above, together with their related information in order to inform and actually help someone somewhere that stands in need of information. We never can’t tell! People always need new backup and point of view. Eventhough they said that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, in Google maps all ages are concerned. The information are vital without mention to age or sex, nationality or religion we all need google for back-up. That is the reason why I gave myself a mission that I may be a stone among many others in the building of this google community. Personnaly I like sharing what is constructive, informative and of good report with one reason, everytime I share something, it must be something that helps enlighten the entire world first and then bring my country out of obscurity and darkness, that is to make my country known by other people in the world…


Yes points of interest are very important


You are right, it’s great to focus on points of interest, as they said interest leads men!

Hi @Bob_KoyondoB2K ,

Keep in mind that language labels are marked when you are using a specific language and helps Local Guides find posts in the language they speak or are interested in. Therefore, I’ve removed the French tag from your post as it’s written in English.

Locations are marked separately and should not be mixed with the language. Please take a moment to read more on this topic below. Thanks!

How do I find posts in my language