What does the local guide program mean to you?

What does the local guide program mean to you?

For me we are a worldwide community that helps us find information based on our own experiences in places around the world. It is an online guide for the traveler, for those who love to travel and know new places, not precisely focused on tourism, but places that allow you to live the culture of the place, eat, buy, know common places of the local people, recommended by themselves. Local guide deals with experiences, communication and unión. Now, with local guide, we can locate local companies to buy and help them get through the crisis of the pandemic for COVID-19.

How do I contribute to my culture with local guide?

I am a theater actor and for me it is important to help companies in the city to spread their events through this tool. whenever there is an event in a theater, I try to upload photos and in this way tourists have come to the city theater to consume our art.


Hi @Erick151 ,

Please bear in mind that I’m going to remove the Spanish language tag from your post as it is in English. Only posts written in a specific language should have the corresponding label. You can find more information in this article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

Saludos @Erick151 , este sábado 18 de julio tendremos un MeetUp virtual en el que platicaremos con Local Guides Mexicanos que han asistido al evento de Local Guides Connect.
Te invitamos a conectarte, escucharlos, ver y preguntar! En este link encuentras la info.

Perdón @Erick151 , esta es la liga correcta, es sábado 18 de julio a las 16:00hrs CDMX


También tendremos otro MeetUp el domingo 26 de julio a las 12:00hrs CDMX


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