Week 1 - My achievements are... #ConnectTurns5Challenge

@Sophia_Cambodia Yay!!! That’s fantastic!! Would be great to know which future post of yours will be the 250th!! :tada:

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@AdrianLunsong Hey Hey, thanks for your kind and encouraging words! Appreciate it.


What is the best achievement I have done this year? I can’t ask more wonderful friends from all over the world than you guys. Friends who share the same interest and who have good intention in their heart to help others. All the rest is a bonus! am I correct? @AdrianLunsong

I was chosen as an Accessibility Champion this year. Thank you everyone for this title (special thank you to @JaneBurunina and @KashifMisidia for inspiring me). I know, new title comes with more responsibilities and I am ready for it. I do not forget where I came from.

Accessible Life in Google Earth is the next project! (wink wink @ErmesT ).

Happy 5th Birthday, Connect!

So glad to be a part of this big community!


@Erna_LaBeau No truer words indeed! I think that for the folks who are always wanting more perks/benefits from Google, they haven’t had a chance to be in a meet-up where they would realise that there’s more to the Local Guides program than just those perks/benefits! And for those of us who do appreciate the opportunities and friendships, we also know that it doesn’t come without investment in time and energy.

In a roundabout way (I’m sooooo long winded at times!), you reap what you sow! And all your achievements and accolades come from all the work that you’ve put into it. So, well done to you and much congratulations! :tada:


Today is exactly a month after this challenge announcement @AdrianLunsong !

And here you go with my submission https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/Foodie-Local-Guide-s-Biggest-Achievement-amp-Recipe/td-p/3043986

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@Velvel This is almost a month from when I am finally reading this! :sweat_smile: Needless to say, it’s been a very busy period for everyone!

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