Walk at Lake Smith

Walk at Lake Smith

Lake Lawson / Lake Smith Natural Area

5381 Shell Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, USA

March 21, 2018 @ 17:30 (EDT)

The City of Virginia Beach has wisely created another public natural space for walking, fishing and reconnecting with nature at Lake Smith. We will be uploading photos to google maps to show everyone in our area how awesome this new park is. We will meet near the water fountain and restrooms. This park has mostly flat trails. This plot has many old trees. Plus a manicured and mapped out trail. Every path in the park should be 3 miles, we will hit them all. The cypress trees astride the new bridge are awesome.

RSVP here


Hi @MikeM_7 ,

I have visited Virginia Beach several times but haven’t been to Lake Smith. Your meet-up seems to be fun and I wash you good luck.



Hello @MikeM_7

Best of luck for your meetup.

Namaste, Niraj

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