Thank you for sharing and happy belated valentine’s day to you too!
I would like to inform you that there’s an on going thread about Valentine’s day and I am merging it there to keep Connect organized. As additional tips, I recommend you read this article Your guide to Connect to get to know the community.
Great to see another Kenyan on Connect, I m also new here but I m learning by some links which was shared by Connect’s Moderator and Google Moderators, by this I got many new things to learn. So we can show the beauty of our wonderful country more widely together.
You can also learn by this link , please take a look on it
And yes Thika Road Mall is such a nice place. Am sure your Valentine’s was the best here. Hope to see you soon and explore more beautiful places in Nairobi and beyond. Karibu tena Local guides connect. Cheers
Thank you for sharing the valentine set up from your area, it is indeed beautiful.
I would like to inform you that there’s an on going thread about Valentine’s day and I am merging it there to keep Connect organized. As additional tips, I recommend you read this article Your guide to Connect to get to know the community.
Ahsante @Zuhralc It is indeed great to connect with fellow Kenyan on connect. I agree with you % Let’s make Magical Kenya know to the world by sharing more post about the beauty of our mother land. We’ll definitely meet as we continue to guide. Regards