Turkish Delight - Lokumcusu

One of the sweet delicious desserts which worth to be tasted is “Turkish Delight or Lokumcusu” …I have visited a factory attached with a shop selling it in Bursa…You can watch the method of preparing it using an electrical machine then pouring the mixture in patterns with additions which have different flavors…There’re plain with sugar powder , strawberry , red berry , apricot , Nutella , dried pomegranate , coffee , almond , pistachio and many different flavors…you really feel puzzled which type will you choose to taste…This dessert is tinder , smooth , mouth watering , melting in your mouth…The sugar content is balances not so high…once you taste it , a smile is drawn in your face :grin:

:smiley: that’s why it’s called as " Turkish Delight " which spreads delight and happiness…It’s considered as one of traditional and popular dessert served with coffee or enjoying it solo…


Hi @M_Yones ,

Thanks for sharing this super sweet post!

Honestly I tried only the baklava and the ice cream (because of the show what the sellers do) when I was in Turkey, but I wish I could visit this place too. Did you buy some for home? Which was your favorite?

PS: You might find interesting the My favorite Turkish desserts post from @TsekoV .


@Petra_M you’re more than welcome :grin: . Of course, I have already bought Baklava and Turkish Delight for home. I liked Baklava so much and I’ll make another post about it later


@M_Yones That looks delicious. Which is your favorite flavor?


@Ant_Bad_Yogi Actually, All of them were tasty :yum:


Desserts and happiness go very well together and your post clearly defines it. @M_Yones

I somehow found these pink pinwheels in the left corner very similar to what we call a “Roulade” or a Swiss Roll, are they covered in coconut?

Pomegranate & Nutella are my two favorite flavors when it comes to sweets! Thank you for this delightful article.


@ReemaGandhi Thanks so much for reading my post :grin: . Actually, they are covered by coconut but they are way different from Swiss Rolls. As you know, Swiss Rolls are mainly made from cake stuffed by jam. but, Turkish delight are mainly made from sugar, Four and different additions.

By the way, I like pomegranate flavor too :yum: It has a fantastic taste on the tip of the tongue


Thanks for the tag, @Petra_M !

I loved seeing the photos of Turkish delight, @M_Yones ! All type of lokumcusu look so tempting! Which is your favorite one? I personally love the coconut ones. Have you ever tried them?

Do you also like baklava? I love eating it! Here is a photo that I captured of my favorite baklava.

Have you ever tasted this kind of baklava?

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@TsekoV Thanks for your sweet words :grin: . Actually, I loved each bite of those different flavors and of course I have tasted Baklava from (Hafiz Mustafa) which can be considered as the most famous patisserie in Istanbul. I promise to prepare a special post for Baklava as soon as possible :smile: .

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Hey @M_Yones ,

I am looking forward to seeing your post, hehe. : ) I wanted to ask you if you are a local in Istanbul? I visited there recently but so far I didn’t know that the Hafiz Mustafa is one of the most famous brands for baklava and Turkish desserts. I think there isn’t a sweet thing I don’t like from Turkey. I simply love the cuisine there.


@TsekoV No, I am not a local resident in Istanbul but I adore it :heart_eyes:

well, Hafiz Mustafa’s Baklava is worth to be tasted especially the type which is fully stuffed by pistachio.

By the way, I’ve experienced tasting of different dishes in various restaurants in Istanbul and I also promise to make posts for each one. just keep in touch for incoming new posts

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I am happy to learn that you also share the same love for Istanbul, @M_Yones ! No matter how many times I go there, there is that feeling that tells you one day you will go back again…

I am looking forward to learning more about the restaurants you visited and the dishes you tried there.

I would also like to share with you two posts that I dedicated to Turkey - 6 places in Istanbul you shouldn’t miss and My favorite Turkish desserts.

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@TsekoV Thanks for sharing those beautiful posts with me, Just keep in touch for more new posts about Istanbul :grin:

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